So, read the article by William Thomas below, then read the - TopicsExpress


So, read the article by William Thomas below, then read the article in the link and decide for yourself. reuters/article/comments/idUSBRE97O00R20130825 •William Thomas The increase in the number of deaths reported as suicide since 2007 is not really a suicide statistic. It should be considered an increase in the number of homicides over that time period. People who worked all their lives have watched helplessly as their retirements, savings and homes have been stolen and the culprits are rewarded rather than punished. Faced with the choice of spending their golden years sleeping under bridges and eating from dumpsters without access to medical care some people in their 50s and early 60s have made the decision that death is the only rational option. Every time you see a big splashy breaking news report on the corporate owned cable news network’s where some "grievance collecting" loser has snapped and gone on a murder/suicide rampage think about this . . . for each one of those who act out and try to spread their pain and suffering to as many as they possibly can, at least 100 other individuals reject hatred, reject anger, reject repaying evil with evil and use a gun, a rope or some other means to end the hopelessness of the situation in which they find themselves without involving anyone else. They do so without causing any pain or suffering other than the grief of the loved ones they leave behind. Lloyd Blankfein and the company of which he is CEO, Goldman Sachs, committed huge (unprosecuted) securities frauds that played a major role in bringing about the housing market crash while at the same time dealing a devastating blow to the economy all in the name of increasing profits for Goldman Sachs investors. He did so with blatant disregard for the harm that would be done to millions of Americans who trusted the financial sector with their life savings. CEOs and boards of directors of major banks and Wall Street financial firms, self proclaimed "Masters of the Universe," lied, cheated and stole for their own benefit with no "moral hazard" safe in the knowledge that if and when the house of cards came crashing down not only would they not lose money but they would be in a perfect position to capitalize upon and profit from the disaster. They knew full well the losers would be the people who worked hard and put their modest savings into pension funds, IRAs and their homes so that someday they could retire and be, if not rich, at least financially independent. There has not been a dramatic increase in the incidence of painful terminal illnesses or any other factor that would account for a greater percentage of people deciding to die by their own hand since 2007. The one thing that has changed is that many people who worked hard and paid their taxes with the expectation that they would have a reasonable amount of security and comfort in their old age have been confronted with the reality of living in a world where they must accept poverty while the thieves who stole from them reap the rewards of their crimes with total impunity. The CEOs making forty times the average employee, who received million dollar bonuses for a job well done after causing practically every middle class family in America to lose 40% of their net worth, are considered successful and worthy of respect while the people who they exploited, who are coming to the end of their working lives having lost most if not all they had saved are silently regarded as shameful failures. We are not seeing an increase in the number of suicides. These additional deaths are homicides plain and simple. If you consider that a 25% increase in the number of suicides each year comes to about 8,000 deaths and you multiple that times six for the years since the beginning of the Great Recession you have 42,000 casualties. We were all shocked by 4 murders and 200 injured by a couple of losers with pressure cooker bombs in the Boston area a few weeks ago. The goal of terrorism is for a few people to cause many people to live in fear. If you live in near constant fear of financial insecurity is that not a form of terror? Where is the indignation and outrage for the 42,000 dead who could find no other way out of an intolerable existence?
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 02:14:03 +0000

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