So recap of my lovely series, Reverse, Rebirth for everyone who - TopicsExpress


So recap of my lovely series, Reverse, Rebirth for everyone who wants to know because its been rising in popularity recently due to my upcoming series Godsent. The first book starts with a bunch of people being ripped from their lives, and then some guy decides hes going to set out on a quest to find out whats happening... So he heads to some awesome lake, one in which all demons live, according to myth and all truths can be found. With his friend. Then when they get to the lake, after meeting people and a lot of cities being ripped apart and people being torn from the buildings by white lights and golden hands... Its revealed that the only demons that ever existed were the people looking into the lake. The truth thats revealed to all who visit the lake is that they are in Hell, literally. And the friend who traveled with the guy the whole time was just an angel trying to get Caleb, the protagonist, to realize the truth so that he could inform Caleb that the kingdom of heaven is giving second chances to anyone who may have been wrongly sent. In the second book, its revealed that the only reason the angels were releasing demons from hell were to use them as soldiers and suicide bombers... In a miniature war/pissing match against any fallen angels or any angels who were allowed to communicate with God personally. The entire book, its a search for God and Calebs fight to remain alive while still doing the job while sparing as many lives as possible. At the end it reveals that God has the ability to be reborn through a child, similar to the way Jesus was born, as long as an artifact of his original creation is held and used to perfect the birth. In the final book, a human child is taken from his mother by the angels as Caleb finds the artifact and hides it away; due to the ending of the second book Caleb is knocked out of heaven and presumed dead by an impact directly into holy water, an event that he walks out of somehow okay. It appears that everywhere Caleb goes, he sees white feathers litter the ground and children taken from their homes, the theory that the humans come up with is that the children are only being kidnapped by a secret terrorist organization with the MO of leaving the feathers of doves. Caleb carries on, going to the one place untouched by the hands of Gods angels and just as he gets there, an abduction seems to begin, Caleb kills the angels and stops them from stealing most the children but revealing that he holds the artifact in the process and that he survived. At this point, Caleb runs and tries to hide, finding an angel that once communicated with God and a prophecy that went unfulfilled thus far. A prophecy that entailed a second coming, revealed that no new Messiah would come down to earth, but rather he would be born into it. With this new pressing matter at hand, Caleb finally starts to understand the cause for new mayhem, and sets out to find something they now call the God Trigger, now knowing that the children and parents must both willingly accept the presence of God within them, and eventually find it within a young boy, an orphan child with the ghosts of his parents only wanting the best for him. The boy accepts the Godsend essence, fusing it with his very being and becoming the new God, but the angels appear and Caleb tries to fend them off unsuccessfully, the angels having had the double agent in the form of the angel who communicated with God and spoke the prophecy to Caleb. The angels take the boy, Austin, and drag him up to the kingdom of Heaven, a domain that is nearly impenetrable. With spirits low and hopes lost, Caleb resorts to go back and visit his old life before he was a demon, the one he lost long ago, to find his ex-wife remarried. He and his former lover talk, he shows his disappointment in her unfaithfulness and she questions his lack of faith and loyalty to the cause he drew a blade against a cherub for. Caleb leaves after an argument with her, angry and determined to prove to her and anyone else that his fight was one he was loyal to. Caleb finds a way into Heaven by means of a portal guarded by a few other angels, Caleb goes on an angel killing spree with a sword he had gained in the second book but never used, the sword fabled to be able to extinguish any hope from any being comes with the cost of all the users hope and rage. Calebs blood slowly begins to simmer, his rage beginning to fuel the sword and his energy going into the sword, turning the sword into a slightly sentient one. Eventually Caleb makes it into the room for the council of Jucidem, seeing them trying to torture the boy and get him to remember everything God once did, unfortunately due to them not being fully fused, only a fraction of God and his power lies within the child. Caleb, after a lengthy battle, sets the boy free and slays the angels within the room, finally falling to his knees, struggling to hand the boy the artifact to use on himself. God is finally created once again, and Caleb is asked if he wants the pain to be removed and if he wishes to be part of a new committee of angels, one that will finally be led once again by God. Caleb agrees for the sake of his life being at stake at the time, God rips Calebs essence from the sword, fusing it with some angel juice and shoving it inside Caleb again, healing him but unable to turn him into an angel. God then proceeds to remark at the coincidence in the fact that Caleb had a fraction of Gods old essence that was scattered long ago, known as godsend. Caleb, had been one of many pieces of God. God then proceeds to ask Caleb if he wants to return to Earth to lead a normal life or go on a new mission. The series ends with Caleb answering, Ive got nothing better to do. And thats the long-ass series that is about half of my entire web of books and partially inspired by Supernatural.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:37:57 +0000

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