So, receiving a gift mean you do not accept it. Funny, because - TopicsExpress


So, receiving a gift mean you do not accept it. Funny, because the word accept is defined BY receiving what is given. Some claim that if you accept a gift you have done a work and CAN boast about it. Show of hands of anyone who has even boasted of ACCEPTING a gift, given to them? Zero hands? Case closed. Next, IF you can lose salvation, which is eternal life, then you never had it, because eternal things cannot end. When it was going to be given to you, was it already eternal, before you received it? IF not, did the giving of a thing that is not Eternal life, become eternal at the moment of its giving? HOW could it have NOT been eternal life that was given, but it became eternal life one given? So, we understand that before a person receives it, it already was eternal life. and we understand that it does not change once given. So, following this irrefutable logic, it does not change into something other than eternal if it is lost or revoked. HAVING it or not does not affect its attributes. You did not earn it, thus it cannot BE lost. I do not know how anyone with half a brain can use this one. I gave my son hotwheels cars. he has lost some. enough said. If you have to DO something to REMAIN saved, then you either were never saved, or you believe in works salvation. No and no. Ii gave my son an automobile, told him it was his as long as he paid for its upkeep, maintained it and did not drive like an idiot. Now, to retain ownership of the car, he had to continually meet these criteria. Meeting them did not make it less than a gift, but it certainly did mean that it could be taken from him. Calvinism is illogical, but those that throw flimsy excuses and false logic at those who know the truth, are just desperate people who would rather defend a lie than accept the fact that they have believed wrongly. Calvinism plays to pride, because it allows one to declare ones self to BE Gods ELECT. It bolsters this pride, daily and it is an affront to this pride to accept that one has believed in error, HOW can GODS elect BE in error?
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 07:58:07 +0000

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