So, remember I was making Chocoflan? Well, the other name for that - TopicsExpress


So, remember I was making Chocoflan? Well, the other name for that stuff is Impossible Cake. And thats what happened. I *knew* better than to make the cake layer really dense because then it wouldnt float to the top, but Noooo, I had to make brownie batter, just to be difficult. Of course, nothing changed places and the brownie batter was left on the bottom. Since I was baking in a bain marie, the batter never rose above 212F, so of course it didnt set up and remained Extremely Gooey. Undaunted (mostly), I scooped all the nearly-set flan and brownie batter into an 11x7 baking dish, dotted it with some spoonfuls of dulce de leche and baked it for another 20 or so minutes, sans waterbath. The result is rather delicious--dense cake and flan swirled together, flavored with cinnamon, coffee and chipotle powder. But since its so dense and rich, it should probably be served in tiny pieces like fudge! It will find its final home on Ice Cream Tuesday! =) Anyway, Happy Saturday to you all! I see there are a few more PhotoFriday #Hobbies photos to share, and if you have a photo of your hobby that you would like to share, please do! I hope its a beautiful Spring (or Fall) day wherever you live--its gorgeous here today! =)
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 15:50:57 +0000

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