So sad BUT not surprising. It is known that everything God created - TopicsExpress


So sad BUT not surprising. It is known that everything God created was to benefit and help man. Satan comes along and turns it into a perverse thing. NOT every church is evil. Obviously God gave us discernment and if we truly are intuned to the Holy Spirit He will show us that things like this are NOT of God. God wants us to gather and worship HIM corporately as well as individually, Worship and praise of the Lord begins within us and we continue in the church. Whether we attend a synogogue, a church, a Christian center or whatever else the brick and mortar is called the point is to come together into the house of the LORD to honor HIM. It says in 2 Chronicles 29:31 Then Hezekiah made answer and said, Now that you have given yourselves to the Lord, come near and take offerings and praise-offerings into the house of the Lord. So all the people took in offerings and praise-offerings: and those whose hearts were moved, took in burned offerings The church is needed. A lot of what the government is doing should not be the governments responsibility, the church should be stepping up and helping take care of the poor, the orphans the widows as it states in the Bible, New Living Translation - James 1:27 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. but the corporate church of today is allowing the secular world in and taking its eyes off of Christ and acting no different than the world. I have attended and presently attend a church where the pastors are God fearing servants of the Lord that guide and lead HIS children into a closer walk with Christ as well as encourage the sheep to step out of our comfort zones and reach out to a neighbor in need. Giving financially is necessary because there are bills to be paid to run the church and yes a salary for the pastor(s) and helping out and being a blessing to our local community so that at times like Thanksgiving and Christmas needy families can have a nice dinner and children can have a decent Christmas. Not to mention it states in Malachai 3:8 we rob God by NOT giving our tithes and offerings. We do not pay our tithes and offerings we give willingly as the Lord loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7) As Gary says, read your Word. IT is our instruction manuel while on this earth. I will not be surprised when a day comes and we will be told by our government that it is against the law to own or read a Bible because it is offensive to people of different religions. So do it now while we still have that freedom
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 16:36:10 +0000

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