So sad having this happen right at the holidays. :( My old buddy - TopicsExpress


So sad having this happen right at the holidays. :( My old buddy Jacqualine Quijada passed away this weekend. This girl was BEYOND a crush when I first met her as she turned out to be one of the coolest and most fun girls I had ever met. She was a beaming light when she would walk through whatever doorway to announce her arrival. Everyone seemed to stop and notice this radient glow she always wore proud in her smile being ever so cute and somewhat goofy sometimes driving every male in the room goo goo eyed and making every girl want to know her as their best friend. Plus the girl could rock a better mohawk than ANYONE Ive seen..guy or girl. She was a pure beauty and bliss to have in your company. At one point she was almost my roomie too...which could have been the most fun ever or completely disaterous...but would have loved to have had more memories with her. I cherish the times I ever got to be around Jax...always asking my friend Jessica Serrano when making SHE gonna be if my choice to partake in whatever event or hangout depended on Jackies presence...meanwhile Scott Tomlinson would tell me to stop staring at her like she was the first female Id ever placed my eyes on. I lost touch with her over the past year or two and SO regret that right now. If you knew Jax I know a memorial is being planned and I will post details ASAP. So sad reading this message I just sent to her on here last week: hey babes...I dont know whats going on but saw people writing you lately about keeping you in their prayers...I dont know what to pray for so Im just praying you are ok. I always liked you so much and you were such a light to be around when we hung out. I hope all is well and miss you terribly. If you need anything just ask. Its been years but I still remember the amazing girl I met long ago and hope you are ok and as beautiful and big smiling as ever I miss you dude. Hit me up sometime 2039485139 Love ya Jax I hope she knew how many people have been praying for her and thinking about her...and will never forget the incredible person they got to know for the years she was here with us. She was definitely an angel and belongs up in heaven...We would be greedy to keep her here in pain or suffering in a battle to many, too young, have the unfortune of having to fight...I just hope you found your wings peacefully and partying up there, ordering us all shots for when we meet up again. You have no idea how much you will be missed down here. Now go light up the new world you have just become a part of and make sure they are playing something decent for us to sing along off key to when I get up there with ya. Love you always.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 01:33:29 +0000

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