So, since I missed my regular Thursday dream posting Ive decided - TopicsExpress


So, since I missed my regular Thursday dream posting Ive decided to make it up today. I actually had this dream last night so it works out quite nicely. Also, since some of you say my dreams are too long! Heres a short one for ya. In my dream last night I was in some sort of laboratory, kind of like the one in Fringe, in fact a lot of this dream seems to be Fringe related. Anyway, Bill Ritch was there and was trying to convince me to undergo a procedure to turn me into a big fish. It looked kind of like a dolphin, but it had gills and as such could breath underwater. Eventually he convinced me and began sticking me with these tiny pin like needles on the end of a large wooden staff. Each prick hurt just a little and after each one I became more and more drowsy. It actually felt a lot like I was being put to sleep with anesthesia, only I never actually drifted away. When he finished I was a big ole fish, could breathe underwater, speak to humans somehow... And was dumped into a body of water. Im not sure why I had to become a fish, but I do know that I swam deep in the water to talk to someone or something at the bottom. My only regret was that I think I was permanently stuck as a fish now that my job was complete, whatever it was. Life as a fish was hard. I could talk to humans and breathe outside of water, but having fins instead of hands sucks for gaming. Nathan Smith and I were trying to do Arenas in World of Warcraft, but it was really hard to control my character well with my big flappy flippers. We were up against a mirror team, both of us hunter/Druid. This arena was kind of like a mini capture the flag battleground with 2 people, two pillars, and flags behind each one. I remember us dying quickly due in part to my inability to play. We had to retreat back and attempt to heal up, but I noticed no one had gone for the flags yet. I ran over to their flag and picked it up and dashed back to our flag, side by side with with Druid as he rushed back to pick up our flag before I could turn in theirs. I cut the corner around the pillar just before him and captured the flag before he could pick up ours! One point! There was only about 45 seconds left in the match so I just ran back over to their flag, picked it up, and just held onto it and went into bear form until the 45 seconds were up winning us the game. Ok, so it turned out not to be THAT short after all, but still shorter than some of my previous dreams :p It was also a bit anticlimactic... Started off strong, but a kind of weak finish.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:29:29 +0000

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