So, so far most of my posts may sound the same, but just bear with - TopicsExpress


So, so far most of my posts may sound the same, but just bear with me. I feel like I have almost daily realizations about myself. I will never be the mom in the flawlessly put together outfit strolling into the cafe with a perfectly dressed toddler holding my hand. I will never be the super fit mom who looks great in spandex buying organic protein bars while her baby perches on her tiny hips. I will never be the mom who has everything in her life organized including Pinterest-worthy home decor, parties, and meals. And thats ok! Im just me. Im the mom who wears what I think is cute and keeps me comfortable. I dress my kids in hand-me-downs because they were free, and I would rather spend money elsewhere. Im the mom who does yoga and some of my own exercising to stay healthy and strong. I keep all of my meals easy, cheap, and healthy. Im the mom who wants my kids to have a lovely childhood, and that doesnt depend on me being perfect. So I just wanted to share with all the other moms out there. Even the fashionable, fit, and incredibly organized ones! I dont judge, Im just not you! But I admire all you do because motherhood is already hard, and you make it look good! All of us moms are so different, and were all (hopefully) doing our best! Keep at it!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:43:04 +0000

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