So, so heartbroken every day as I answer the emails sent to my - TopicsExpress


So, so heartbroken every day as I answer the emails sent to my rescue account. This weeks batch included a jerk who wants someone to come pick up his loyal pit bull who is a great and sweet dog because she tried to defend herself against another dog who has tried to attack her before and the owner continued to put her in this situation w/ this other dog. Now he is somehow scared she might attack his daughter, even though she never has shown any human aggression (or dog aggression unless another dog attacks her). He said he was going to euthanize her if someone didnt come get her in a few hours. Another tear jerker was from a lady who wanted to someone to immediately come pick up her mother-in-laws pit bull once her MIL left town for a few days because the dog growled at the neighbors baby and this lady doesnt want to deal with the liability. So she is secretly throwing a dog away who is not even hers to give away because she just cant be bothered to keep the dog in the house/yard. When did euthanasia and/or dumping your dog on a rescue become a substitute for responsible dog ownership? If your dog exhibits behavior you dont like, get a trainer. You dont just abandon them and expect other people to deal with you problem. My heart aches for these dogs, who had the misfortune of being owned by selfish, heartless bastards. Rescues exist to help dogs who are down on their luck...they do NOT exist so that you can just dump your dog and not have to feel guilty about it and/or so that you can avoid putting any time/money/effort into being a dog parent. People understand that they cant just throw away children with learning disabilities or social disorders...but yet that doesnt apply at all to our four legged children. I am SO over people.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 13:04:15 +0000

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