So some major Hollywood critics are slamming Moms Night Out for - TopicsExpress


So some major Hollywood critics are slamming Moms Night Out for its Christian values and for featuring stay at home Moms. Actress Stacey Dash stood up against these critics, and to that I just want to say, Good for her!!! Furthermore, I want to get on my own soap box and say a few things that she didnt say in the movies defense. IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE....THERE ARE NO SPOILERS IN WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY. First of all, I dont think any of these critics even saw the movie. They couldnt have, because there are 4 Mommy characters, not three. Secondly, 3 out of the 4 Mommies WERE NOT Stay-at-home Moms. The main character definitely was. There is no question, but as for the others, one was the pastors wife/church secretary. They even do a scene at the beginning of the movie in her office. Another was working in the church daycare, and the last mommy featured was a waitress....and the entire movie centers around finding her baby who became MIA after she left him with the babys FATHER (who did not have a job) while she went to her waitressing job at the bowling alley!!!! There were no other significant moms in the film, so it looks to me like 3 out of 4 WERE WORKING Mothers!!! It just gets under my skin when these critics start spouting off at the mouth bashing a faith based movie without having even seen it!!!! I guarantee you they based their entire critique off of the movie trailers. If that is all you have seen of the film, one might assume that the Mommies were doing nothing but staying home and raising kids. The critics even bashed the main character (who stayed at home and raised her 3 children) for not hiring a Nanny and getting out of the house and going to work!!! To that, I say this. Most average families cannot afford a Nanny for one thing, and not everyone wants their children to be raised by a daycare worker or a Nanny IF GIVEN THE CHOICE. I for one, was one of those Moms. Working outside the home for me, was out of the question until my daughter was of school age. Her Dad and I CHOSE this lifestyle for our little family. We were not rich. Mike was in the Navy (first year) and we were living off of a seamans pay, but we cut corners and ate a lot of beans the first few years of Chrystens life, because SHE, and how she was RAISED, was way more important to us than extravagances. When I look at the smart, well rounded, Christian woman that she is today, I have absolutely NO REGRETS. EVERY sacrifice we made was well worth it, and besides that.....All of that one-on-one precious Mommy/Daughter time I got to spend with her was PRICELESS. I wouldnt trade even one day of her childhood that I spent with her for all the money in the world! Join me in praying for these critics, and anyone who bashes the work of the Lord The Devil is hard at work against those who are trying to bring quality wholesome entertainment to families on the big screen and all other genres. It is up to us to take a stand....and above all....keep praying. #IJS #MomsNightOut #PatriciaHeaton #StaceyDash #ProvidentFilms #JesusSaves
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 23:15:39 +0000

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