So some of you may already know some of the benefits of this handy - TopicsExpress


So some of you may already know some of the benefits of this handy kitchen remedy, but I’m sure I’ll have some uses that you have yet to hear about. What am I talking about? APPLE CIDER VINEGAR of course! I stumbled across this awesome article with 26 ways to use this handy solution (greatist/grow/ways-use-apple-cider-vinegar) and I thought why not share it with all of you? So number 13 on the list is, ‘Deodorise your feet’.Who doesn’t go to the gym and leave with reeking feet? “Well…apple cider vinegar can…keep stinky feet under control, and it’s all thanks to its ability to balance the pH of your skin. By doing so, it works against the bacteria that are responsible for that less-than-pleasant foot odour. Splash some ACV onto a paper towel or baby wipes and wipe those toes down.” Number 19 is, ‘Soothe an upset stomach’. Think you can get out of a gym session because of a simply stomach upset? Well no excuses now! “When your stomach is feeling less than stellar (i.e. you’re constipated, have food poisoning, are bloated, etc.), drinking an apple cider vinegar and water mixture may help set it straight, thanks to the antibacterial and antiviral properties found in ACV.” Number 20. Help relieve muscle soreness. Not keen on taking supplements in order to relieve the soreness you get the day after a tough workout? Well here’s your natural remedy. “Every workout warrior needs some seriously relief from achy muscles. Some suggest that acetic acid, a component in apple cider vinegar, can soothe sore muscles when applied topically. While science doesn’t necessarily back this up, we’d say it’s definitely worth using this over regular lotion (or Tiger Balm!) when our muscles are screaming for a rubdown.” Number 22. Help prevent diabetes. So this is a major concern in today’s society, so anything which can potentially lower or prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes, is worth a try. “As of 2012, 29.1 million Americans had diabetes. Considering the gravity of those numbers, every little bit of prevention helps, and ingesting apple cider vinegar might be another small step to keep from joining that statistic. Research suggests sipping ACV helps improve insulin sensitivity (particularly in those who are insulin-resistant), which, in turn, may delay or prevent type 2 diabetes.” Number 23 Soothe a sore throat. “[Is your] throat killing you—or giving signs that it will within a few days? Don’t worry, [ you’ll be better in no time and won’t miss that group fitness session you were planning on attending this week :P]. [Simply] mix a quarter cup of ACV with the same amount of warm water and get your gargle on. Doing so creates an acidic environment that may stop the icky cold-causing germs from thriving in your throat. Another mixture to try: warm water, ACV, cayenne pepper, and honey. Drink that one up!” 24. Clear your sinuses.It’s always a hassle when you get sick and it’s worse when it never goes away. “…By sipping on a home remedy of water and ACV…bacteria [will be prevented] from growing in your sinuses. Plus, its potassium content could help thin all that lovely mucus that’s made itself at home in your nose.” Lastly number 25, ‘Detox, detox, detox’. Who doesn’t like a little cleansing now and then -or a whole lot of it :P “Adding in a splash or two of apple cider vinegar to your meals may improve lymph circulation (which can help build immunity and fight disease).” So I wouldn’t say, this remedy will result in weight loss, rather cleanse the body from bad bacteria, essentially reducing bloating or any other side affects from bad bacterias.” NOTE: Just like anything, be wary intaking certain foods and liquids. Too much of anything isn’t good. For things like detoxing or using ACV as a dieting solution, I would suggest limiting its use to a short period of time. Say for number 25 -detoxing, you are suggested to add a splash or two of ACV to your meals. I would limit this to say 2 times a week. Whilst for things like dieting, where they suggest adding 1-3 tablespoons of ACV to 1 cup of lukewarm water or your choice of liquid (tea, coffee, juice, etc.) before breakfast and dinner, I would take this dieting approach as a plato to launch your weight loss transformation from rather than a new way of living. Supposedly taking an ACV mixture before your meal creates a feeling of fullness, making you hopefully eat less. In addition, eating less over a period of time shrinks the stomach, essentially recreating that feeling of fullness once you come off the diet, seeing as your stomach has struck in size. I would suggest doing the ACV diet for only 3 wks and lessening the intake to 1 a day for the week following, then 1 every second day for the next, 1 every third day, and so on until you are no longer drinking the mixture at all. This should last about 2 and a bit months. But like everything, if you want to be completely safe ask your doctor.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 02:57:47 +0000

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