So someone posted up these 14 things that the President has - TopicsExpress


So someone posted up these 14 things that the President has achieved in his tenure, and while they sound great at first glance... reality intrudes. Ive posted my response after each bullet point, so one can easily follow along. ------------------------ 1. Weve now had 63 straight months of economic expansion. [E] - While economic expansion is great, 95% of the gains have gone to the rich, and most of the rest of us have seen no change or have seen things get worse. 2. We are currently enjoying the longest period of private sector job creation in American history. [E] - Those private sector jobs that are being added are mostly part-time with no benefits. 3. Unemployment has dropped from 10.1% in October of 2009 to 5.9% and projected to reach 5.4% by summer of 2015. [E] - Do I need to remind people that this doesnt include the people who have given up looking for work due to the aforementioned shit jobs that dont pay them enough or work with their schedules? 4. The stock market continues to set new records since President Obama has been in office. [E] - The stock market is only setting records because companies are buying shares in their own stock to artificially inflate their value, which isnt sustainable and will probably bust unless CEOs and shareholders stop being greedy dicks. 5. The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009. 6. Under President Obama, spending has increased only 1.4% annually, the lowest rate since Eisenhower was president. [E] - 5 and 6 are exactly correct, and what Dems need to shout from the rooftops, but theyre not, for some reason. Most Muricans still think we have a huge deficit and spending is out of control because of Republican lies. 7. For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes are lower now than just about any time in the previous 50 years. [E] - Income taxes may be lower, but people are also earning a lot less, while prices of things have remained relatively the same, so its still a big bite out of peoples budgets. Meanwhile, taxes for the rich and corporations have gone down dramatically. 8. Our dependence on foreign oil has shrunk due to record domestic oil production and improved fuel efficiency standards. [E] - As for 8, we need to get away from oil COMPLETELY. We have alternative energy sources available, and we could create SO many new jobs to build the infrastructure for it, but Big Oil lobbies continue to throw money at Congress to keep it unusable. 9. At least 7 million more Americans now have health insurance than before. 10. The Affordable Care Act has added years to the life of Medicare. 11. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, we are seeing the slowest rate of increase in healthcare costs since 1960. [E] - 9 & 10 are great, but 11... we should be clamoring for single-payer, not clinging to the old shitty capitalist system of for-profit insurance providers and hospitals that gives us half the healthcare effectiveness for double the cost of other first world nations. Like Barney Stinson says: New is always better. 12. We currently have fewer soldiers, sailors and airmen in war zones than any time in over 10 years. 13. There have been zero successful attacks by al Qaeda on US soil since Obama became president. [E] - We still spend 60% of our national budget on Defense spending. This needs to end, NOW. We also need to get the actual powers in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and Iran) to take care of the shit in their backyard instead of waiting for the rest of the world to do it for them. 14. We now successfully catch and deport more illegal immigrants than ever before. [E] - Not sure how this is something to be proud of... Nationalism is bad, yall, were all people. WE were illegal immigrants back in the day. Is that why we fear illegal immigrants now, do we think that theyre going to slaughter us and take our land like we did to the Native Americans? :P ------------------------------ As you can clearly see... were not succeeding very well. Democrats today, while far, FAR better than Republicans, are still essentially center-right. There is no more progressive left party. Democrats only seem left-wing because of the extreme off the scale rightness of the GOP. The truth is, Democrats are now where Republicans were up to about the 80s. Since then the scale has been creeping ever farther towards the right, and this needs to change. If Republicans can create these massive movements to create a new party that has taken over an entire party... why cant we? Democratic Socialists, unite! [E]
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 05:01:49 +0000

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