So something happened recently and it brought out the worst side - TopicsExpress


So something happened recently and it brought out the worst side of me. Its like I picked up some hate and I put it around me and wore it like a coat. And it was so comfortable being in the middle of my own hate that I just walked around with it, doing badmind things to people because they deserved it because of their own actions. But i had to say to myself that I need bring myself out of that frame of mind. Its not productive. Using up my energy to punish people cos I feel some sort of way towards them. Nahhhh. Whats that about. Im just wasting my own time and keeping these bad feelings in me is not doing me any good at all. I got things to do, so i have to keep things moving. So I have to let go of that hate. And walk away from it. Leave it where it is so that it dont have any hold over me any more and it not holding me back from moving forward. I have to forgive them foolish people because if I compare the size of the bad feeling I have for them to the size of my ambition to create and do good, the bad feeling that I have for them is like a grain of sand and my ambition is like the Moon. So I have to stop letting these grain of sand people mess with my program cos they AINT part of my program. Beast mode is now off. Chill mode back on. Yeahhhhhhh. Now about this party on the 21st...its gonna be big...
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:54:50 +0000

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