So still spinning off from recent discussion regarding companies - TopicsExpress


So still spinning off from recent discussion regarding companies like Walmart that I consider evil for a number of reasons, let me discuss wages and why we CAN afford to pay people, even less educated, simple blue collar workers more. Walmart has roughly 2.2 million employees, averaging about 11.80 an hour. More than half of their full-time employees make less than $25,000 a year. The average walmart employee receives $3,150 in government assistance/subsidies. That means that for most employees at Walmart, for every ten dollars Walmart pays their employees, we, the people of the government subsidies them with a dollar of government money. Hold that thought. Now Walmart generates a NET profit, after every conceivable cost, including high-paying CEO jobs, 16 billion dollars a year. If you were to take even half of that, eight billion dollars and distribute it as wages amongst Walmarts employees, they would receive, on average a two dollar an hour raise, roughly $4,000 a year. Conclusion: Walmart can *easily* pay its employees two dollars more an hour while still generating eight billion dollars a year in profit. The extra two dollars would also remove the necessity for the US government to subsidize its workers. That alone would save tax payers over 6 billion dollars. Finally, there is a very important point that has to be stated otherwise the first five negative replies will be along the likes of: Well I only make blah blah blah an hour, why should some skilless, poorly educated employee at Walmart make blah blah blah.... What has happened is the large corporations and politicians in our country have effectively turned us against each other. We see the public marches calling for a higher minimum wage and instead of saying, yeah thats actually a good thing, we blast them and say, hell no because Im not making that much! Instead of asking why corporate profits continue to shatter records every year, they have us fighting each other for scraps. So how does it work? Well when you raise the wages of the poorest paying jobs, eventually through natural economics of business ALL jobs start paying more simply because there is more business coming through the doors. That local family hardware store pays their checkers a few dollars more an hour because otherwise they would go work for Walmart or some other similar business. Those people get raises and then start buying things they couldnt afford before, which shares profits with other businesses.This process repeats itself over and over until the economy as a whole is MUCH healthier. After all, our entire capitalistic system is based on and depends on consumerism.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 02:09:43 +0000

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