So taking religious motives and everything else aside - TopicsExpress


So taking religious motives and everything else aside Seriously sick of seeing ignorant people posting statuses about Tony Abbott doing nothing. You do not and I repeat do not negotiate with terrorists! You give them what they want it will only encourage more attacks! You shoot and you risk ending lives immediately, and risk if the bombs alleged to be planted could be detonated by an associate. Nobody has any idea on the ins and outs of the operation going on to try and handle this situation so to speculate and blame our leader for doing nothing when the truth is he will be doing everything in his power to have this situation resolved is crazy The terrorist wants to create local unrest and everyone is giving him/them exactly what they want. Instead unite behind our leaders and the people serving our country right now and pray that the matter is resolved without any casualties or devastation #getbehindabbott #getbehindourforces #aussiesagainstterrorism
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 13:44:31 +0000

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