So... that whole game going around where you have to tell so many - TopicsExpress


So... that whole game going around where you have to tell so many facts about your self... I have gotten about 10 different numbers and havent done it. Since I am waiting for our fishermen to return and I have a few moments, Im going to go ahead and do this thing. 1. I was born in Spokane WA and moved to PA when I was 6 mos old. 2. I have a really severe fear of snakes. I know its irrational, but I cant seem to get past it. 3. I wanted to be a missionary to China when I was a kid. I wasnt saved and didnt even really know what a missionary was, but I saw Katherine Hepburn in a movie where she was one and worked with orphans and I wanted to try that. 4. I love LOVE to travel, but I also love coming home. 5. I can play trumpet, piano, clarinet, french horn, baritone, saxophone, and guitar. 6. I used to dream of being on Broadway... but then I kinda realized that I cant really act. 7. I love Julie Andrews. A lot. 8. I sing in Spanish.... but I still cant speak the language well. (But I am learning!!) 9. Sometimes I know my grammar is incorrect in a post and I leave it just becuase I get annoyed with the memes that bust on peoples grammar. This isnt English class, I am not writing a dissertation... Im simply writing a status. And then sometimes I use improper grammar and dont even realize it. :-) 10. I almost always spell because wrong. (See #9) 11. I want a lot of kids, and we have parented over 19 through foster care, but we only have one child in our home right now. 12. I deal with PCOS and it has so far prevented me from carrying a child full term. (And as Rochelle Shull Zecher says, it makes me fat, lol.) 13. I have always wanted to record an album. Not to be famous, just to have done it. For me. 14. My hubby and I sat very close to each other for an entire year of band class in Dover. But we didnt officially meet until we had already graduated high school. 15. I was raised by a single parent, my amazing mom. But I also feel like I had the unique and awesome privilege of being raised by my grandma and 2 of my aunts as well. And I think, despite the bad things that happened, I had a pretty awesome childhood with an amazing family. 16. My dad ( J.j. Skeen) is so cool. I think he looks like a hippy rabbi. I also didnt meet him until I was 16... and he lives in Cali. I havent seen him in 8 years and I miss him more than I could ever express!! Thats it for me. If you want to do, just pick a number. If you like my status, I wont make you do it. :-)
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 21:41:37 +0000

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