So the Ferguson Fortune years have gone and now we have the Moyes - TopicsExpress


So the Ferguson Fortune years have gone and now we have the Moyes Misery months! Sir Alex made a few mistakes in his 26 years at United but suggesting Moyes as his replacement has to go down as the biggest of his life! Moyes has never won a thing as a manager yet he is appointed manager of the most successful club in England! The whole situation at Old Trafford comes down to this – Too many changes at one time. 1. Appointing a manager who has won nothing and never bought players who cost a fortune nor handled players who are millionaires. 2. Moyes then discards Meulensteen, Phelan and Steele who knew the club inside out and replaces them with a backroom team who have never won a thing in management! 3. David Gill (perhaps the PL’s best negotiator) also moved onand a non-football man Woodward replaced him. 4. Sir Alex’s rigid management style was replaced with a more relaxed environment AND 5. The players have let their own standards slip much and now that has seen the club and its fortunes both on the pitch and off it, slump. As a consequence, this season, the PL title has gone, an FA cup tie was tamely given away, a League Cup semi-final lost in comic style and barring a miracle of mammoth proportions, any Champions League winning hopes will vanish too (not that the club had any real chance of winning it anyway, fact!) and just to rub it in even further, the possibility of Champions League matches being played next season look more and more unlikely with each defeat. Just to rub salt into the wounds, the transfer window has closed with only Mata being brought in and that follows Moyes proclaiming ‘many players want to join United’, so why was Mata the only one then Moyes? All in all a total disaster for all United fans everywhere. How the Glazers see the current situation and the near future I have no idea but if I was a Glazer, someone’s neck would be on the chopping block and I would start with Moyes! Perhaps any other club could just shrug off this season and start afresh the next but I am talking about Manchester United. The standards are high, very high and the current situation is way too poor to be allowed to continue. What can be done now the transfer window has closed beggars belief but hopefully something, anything will turn things around before its too late and time is running out, fast!.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 09:35:11 +0000

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