So, the Hillary and Obama camps are in a war of words about the - TopicsExpress


So, the Hillary and Obama camps are in a war of words about the Presidents handling of Iraq. NOW, after the fact, when she is gearing up for her own disastrous Presidential Run, Hillary says Obamas handling of Iraq was stupid shit and Obamas Camp fires back that going into Iraq was a tragically bad decision. Meanwhile, somewhere in America, a broken hearted Mother lays flowers at her only sons grave, he was gonna be a Veterinarian but instead he died serving in that tragically bad decision Meanwhile a Father draws his hand across a picture of his daughter and wipes away his millionth tear. He was gonna walk her down the Aisle when she came home from her third tour in Iraq. Instead, he walked her to her grave and watched as they lowered in the ground. She gave her life for that Stupid Shit. And thousands of Proud Veterans and thousands more who will never be the same and thousands of ghost still in their camouflage uniforms and Battle Rattle they died in listen as Their Commander in Chief and Would be Commander in Chief, belittle and devalue their Service, their sacrifice, their loss as Stupid shit and a tragically bad decision, all for political gain. This Government does not deserve our finest, it is unworthy of entrusting our sons and daughters to it.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 22:42:42 +0000

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