“So the LORD must wait for you to come to him so he can show you - TopicsExpress


“So the LORD must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help.” Isaiah 30:15—18 (NLT) The Lord longs to be gracious to us. We see it in the above passage. By His own choice, God created us, knowing that we would be obstinate, fickle and slow in responding to His love. He knew and yet He put himself in a place of waiting for us to come to Him so He can show us His great love and compassion. Why does He do this? Why does He wait for us to respond to Him? Because He is faithful to us. His love is not like ours. His love is eternal, unfathomable, unconditional and unfailing. So He waits. And what is so ironic, is that He waits for us to wait on Him. When we have tried everything else, when we have panicked, obsessed, returned from running away, quit our procrastination or stopped trying to do everything by ourselves, He bids us to come to Him and wait for Him to love and help us. And when we finally wait, He blesses us and meets our deepest needs. Today, quit hurrying and scurrying and come to Him. He is waiting for you to wait on Him. TODAY’S PRAYER Dear God, I admit that I worry and run around trying to fix things by myself. Forgive me for not trusting You. Today I come and pour my worries at Your feet. Guide me, help me, bless me I pray as I wait on You for all my needs. In Jesus Name AMEN May We Pray For You? God Bless You All
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 19:00:00 +0000

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