So the Middle Ages was 500 years of extreme spiritual thought and - TopicsExpress


So the Middle Ages was 500 years of extreme spiritual thought and the 500 years after was 500 years of extreme secular thought and 1900 and after has been a spiritual awakening in a secular world. Martin Luther and King James obviously saw this trend, and figured that everything would be better if they translated the Bible into vernacular. In the Middle Ages, everyone trusted priests to read the Bible and interpret it for them and over the course of their life theyd learn the stories and a priest wouldnt get away with lying unless the other priests were and why would they? But then witch hunts happened and everyone blamed religion, which was the cause of the problems of the time, and the Catholic church was indeed responsible but the Catholic church today is very different. At any rate, the church couldnt be trusted any more and people were turning secular and to be secular you have to have a lot of time to think, and people who dont have that time would just say its all God and God works in mysterious ways and leave it at that (the secular equivalent is shit just doesnt make sense.) and so Martin Luther basically was qualified to translate the bible in vernacular, and could, and knew it had to be done, same with King James, and overall it saved a lot of trouble. Like Anton LaVey said If I hadnt done what I did someone else, perhaps less qualified, would have. Anton LaVeys really cool, people call him an asshole because he called hypocrites hypocrites.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 18:29:59 +0000

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