So the Pak Defense Attache sent a minion to the Pentagon where I - TopicsExpress


So the Pak Defense Attache sent a minion to the Pentagon where I was presenting my book FIghting to the End to request that I sign my book for the DaT, a one Brig. Cattar. (No offense to cat lovers intended.) I thought this was pretty rich after all the tattiyan they have pulled with me. It did not go well for the minion. I told the minion that IF I signed it, it would say Sub se bare chutiya ke liye. And, if that was not acceptable, Cattar sahab mere bund chum sakte hain. Said minion was NOT amused and demanded that he be escorted out of the Pentagon. (Frankly...that was just another victory.) Upon reaching home, this is the message I dispatched to Brig. Cattar. (Name has been changed to protect the guilty.) Cattar I was amused that you sent a minion to the Pentagon to request that I sign a copy of Fighting to the End for you. It was also rewarding to see that the cover was removed. I guess the covers intimation was too salient for GHQ? As your messenger no doubt informed you, things did not go as planned. It seemed that he also had to send a rather rangila return message. Such is the perils of his job, I presume. Cutting to the chase, you may find that the be nice to your face, stab you in the back approach works well with U.S. diplomats and those in uniform who suffer the nonsense of the ISI and the Pak Army per force or out of ignorance. However, it does not work with me. I am utterly exhausted with your countrys dangerous policies that have resulted in the deaths of Americans and our allies in Afghanistan. I am disgusted with your organizations continued support to groups like the Haqqani killers, the LeT (or whatever new name under which they operate) among others. I find the treatment that I received from your organization and the ISI, which you represent in your present capacity, to be worthy only of the worst countries and appallingly gendered. Frankly, I cant understand why your organization(s) think(s) that bullying me will silence me in expressing my outrage against your countrys numerous crimes. Being PNGed is like being pregnant: you cant get more pregnant. That my country still writes checks to underwrite and incentivize your countrys perfidy is gob-smacking. I have absolutely no intention or desire to return to the country that your organization has ruined for the indefinite future. You should know that while I am one of the few who will say these things clearly and publicly, many in the U.S. government share my views. They are simply more constrained than I am in saying so. As the owner of this message, I will be posting this exchange to my social media as a public record of this exchange. Warmest Regards, C. Christine Fair, PhD
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 17:16:59 +0000

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