So the Prez wants to raise the minimum wage, insure all Americans - TopicsExpress


So the Prez wants to raise the minimum wage, insure all Americans and get the un- and under-employed back to work and saving for a productive future. All laudable goals. But can we talk about the elephant in the room? (No, I dont mean Chris Christie.) GREED. Just about everyone charges just too blasted much for everything. And whenever I ask people to justify their prices it is ALWAYS a variation on this one response: Hey, Ive got bills to pay. They speak of overhead, of car and house payments, of sending the kids to college and health bills and vacations. Give Obama and the Democrats credit for broaching subjects the Pubs would rather leave unadressed... like minimum wage. No, I dont believe employees are going to significantly cut down on their work force if they have to pay their hires more; I think theyll raise the prices of goods and services. In other words, pass on the costs to the very public that is looking to them for employment. The bare fact of the matter is inflation has outpaced earnings. Has been for many a year, and it is laudable that our president wants to deal with this issue now. There are far too many politicians and business types who dont see a percentage for themselves in the issue so they dont talk about it. But just like the Affordable Care Act, the undeniable culpability lies with the technician and the insurance agent and the health care provider just flat-out charging too damned much. Look, I know Im no economist and Im sure some of you wags out there will be sure to point that out to me - you might not post it here but someday soon Ill run into you in the grocery or at a meeting and youll say, you know that greed post of yours?........ Maybe I am naive, but how can we keep talking about the price of living in the world today as if we dont contribute our own two cents to that price? (bad pun? sorry.) We speak of the forces at work in society as if we have no power, no responsibility. But we can reset the value of living and working in todays dog-eat-dog society. Itll be a collective push, but we can do it. And maybe its undemocratic of me, but it seems to me if Obama aims to circumvent Congress to raise the minimum wage and create sustainable retirement accounts, seems to me if he can tell the CEO of a car manufacturer resign or else , then he and the Congress can legislate a control on price gouging and runaway...... well, you know the word: GREED. You raise the minimum wage, prices will rise across the board. One guys hikes his prices and everyone else falls in line so they can all afford whatever little widget they want or need to buy. But if you dont raise the minimum wage, prices will rise across-the-board regardless. It is great that were doing something about it, but were going after the symptoms and not the cause.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 04:08:04 +0000

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