So the Scots cant have the £ Sterling if they vote for - TopicsExpress


So the Scots cant have the £ Sterling if they vote for Independence from the UK so smiling George Osborne and the Cronies (Lib, Lab,Tory, well paid Treasury Advisor) says - pillocks all -. Scotland , Like Ulster (N.Ireland) , Isle of Man , Channel Isles and Wales a few decades back, has its own £ Sterling notes and the right to print and issue them, but while the others are not generally accepted in English shops etc, Scottish £ Sterling notes certainly are. George Osborne, the Bank of England and none of the three main UK parties can stop Scotland having and continuing to have the £ Sterling and I doubt if English/Welsh banks will refuse it as its legal tender until Scotland says not. Mr Salmon should ignore the desperate tricks of the Stay in UK brigade at Whitehall who will loose cushy well paid jobs if Scotland votes for out of UK. It all seems rather two faced of the Westminster government which has signed away a lot of our rights to the EU and was a few years ago even taking of joining the Euro (used by 18 countries as a common currency) if a so-called Treasury Expert says common currencies dont work for England and Scotland - but at one point the same gentleman was saying the UK should join the Euro !!!!!!! Now all together - Bollocks.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 07:32:32 +0000

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