So, the State has had plenty of time on Electric Avenue, my brain. - TopicsExpress


So, the State has had plenty of time on Electric Avenue, my brain. It was warned on Ash Wednesday 2011, and still those sought. Some to kill, some to find, some to do both, some to just experience the thrill of a new type of ride. Some done because they are sinful, some because they are ignorant of the Bible, some just because they are stupid. Some to show off the horror of our wonderful intelligence, lol, that is an to show off, some to gain attention to themselves in order to preserve their own lives and lifestyles, Some to gain power even for a moment in their sinful lives, some to exact pain, some to exact suffering, even though they themselves are still running to avoid the pain of justice here on earth, without thought of the next phase, which is judgment. You will make a choice today. Do you want Eternal Rest with God? It is quite true that the Israelites wanted the Promised Land, but were scared off by the giants they saw. The demons had magnified those people that God Himself said He would destroy. In fact, God Himself was so disgusted by them that He offered to Kill all the people in the Promised Land and just go away, and let them take over and have nothing to do with them, but Moses begged God to stay. Why? Eternal Separation from God. God wasnt just walking away from them for this brief time on Earth. God was going to shut down the whole operation of Salvation. Think on that one today! It is quite true His rainbow was a covenant between Him and the Earth, only. We have something right now that will make people run from the giants in the Promised Land, settle for the other side of the Jordan. Notice when they tried to take the Promised Land themselves without God, they even lost that toe hold, that wonderful piece of Real Estate by the Jordan where some of them asked Joshua if they could stay. Notice Gods reply, by all means, but first help your families obtain their rightful land. For some people today, the situation is just this, do you fear this implant? Enough to not want the Promised Land of Heaven? The Stand is here and right now. In the early times. I took a Stand in March 2012, and those of this world laughed. Are they laughing now? God is Here.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 12:05:24 +0000

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