So the Taliban have killed 126 students. What does this tell you? - TopicsExpress


So the Taliban have killed 126 students. What does this tell you? They have no faith. Its the same thing, IMHO, in this country when people want certain things either not taught or forcing others to learn their dogma. Its a lack of faith. If there is one meme (if you will) that runs through the Hebrew Bible (thats the Old Testament to most folks) the New Testament and the Koran is you have to have faith in God. Some might say an unrelenting faith. So what does it say when you are worried your children might learn something contrary to your dogma? Do you have faith in your teachings? Faith in your parenting? Faith that your God will provide you with the tools to persevere? Because to me, killing a bunch of kids who are learning something you dont like doesnt say faith to me. Its says FEAR. It says they are worried their dogma will not stand up or that as parents/a culture have not given the kids enough reason to stick to the faith of their forefathers. Indeed in this country, the idea that you cant teach kids science because it conflicts with some peoples dogma is essentially a surrender in all but name by these people who dont have the guts to admit THEY are worried their kids will look at the dogma and the (insert whatever fundies worry about) and choose something other than the dogma. Funny, the Taliban runs on fear. The fear of violence if they dont get their way. Fear of violence to keep order, fear of violence to intimidate people into submission and fear for ones family for non-compliance. All of it because these people are afraid their world-view cannot stand up to peer review by other ways of doing things or seeing the world. Pathetic that these people in the name of God have so little faith that they would kill children and throw acid into womens faces all because THEY cannot show by their own actions why said children and woman should follow the teachings they feel are so important.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:40:42 +0000

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