So the alleged leader of ISIS/ISIL/IS(pick your acronym of this - TopicsExpress


So the alleged leader of ISIS/ISIL/IS(pick your acronym of this week) was held at a U.S. detainee camp in 2004 for, depending on which report your read, 11 months - 5 years. During which time he was - again, pick your theory - radicalized or turned into a Manchurian candidate by the CIA to foment Muslim vs. Muslim war. There are all kinds of theories on this group in the blogosphere, including that ISIS is a creation of the CIA and/or Mossad. All sound pretty whack. All name names. However, some of the official Western news media reports do give one pause. I mean, really, who hasnt questioned those Hollywoodesque videos where the fearless ISIS leader, wearing a different colored headpiece, weapon slung over his shoulder, marches forward in the center of a line, flanked by a pretty symmetrical line of fighters, on what looks suspiciously like a movie set? Or how about the one where we have a low camera angle shooting up at the two lines of bad guys angling off into the two lower corners of the frame? Not to mention the Ninja outfits. And have you watched the beheading videos? I have. One man with a British accent(and the U.K. media referred to this group of alleged ISIS beheaders as the Beatles because they spoke with British accents and their spokesperson was named John) stands alone with his Victim, who is kneeling upright, unmoving; even when a knife is pressed to his throat and drawn across he doesnt flinch. Or, frankly, appear to bleed as the camera fades to black then fades back in to display a head set atop a prone body. I also made the mistake of watching a video of an actual beheading. One of the most harrowing things Ive ever seen and I cant get the images out of my mind. Wish Id never done it. But that one looks dramatically different. The body, unlike in the Isis video, flinches at being cut, it cant stop itself from flinching, and the victim has to be held by others, and bleeds profusely, immediately. Another odd factoid - that Scottish guy who was beheaded( synchronistically a couple days before Scotlands independence referendum, and the day after a general wrote an Op-Ed piece saying the Empire had to stay together otherwise the deaths of citizens at the hands of (IRA) terrorists would be in vain) turns out, according to British mainstream media, to have made 4 trips to Syria, the only non-Muslim in a group that is under investigation because one of its leaders was photographed posing with two terrorists holding AK-47s. I am not proposing any interpretation of this. But I am saying, I dont know what the hell is really going on. motherjones/politics/2014/07/was-camp-bucca-pressure-cooker-extremism
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 12:27:00 +0000

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