So the idea of predetermined destiny came up today... I used to - TopicsExpress


So the idea of predetermined destiny came up today... I used to buy into it. It is pretty easy to believe, that you really have no control over your life. That is is pre-ordained so to speak. That gives you no power, and means you also do not have to take responsibility for what happens in your life, because it is all scripted anyway. It is an easy to swallow pill. But here is my question about this, if in fact we are here to live an already planned life (god planned for us)... what is the point of being here at all? I mean it is all already planned, so what are we here for? To be puppets in a show? To follow some path that we did not choose? I disagree... what if that destiny is not something you want? Why CANT you change it? Why SHOULDNT you change it?? Here is my thought... we chose to be here, we chose to experience life, and since we are PART of source, and not separate from source... we are the expansion of source (or god, if that is what you choose to label it). Saying your life was planned, takes all your control away. And if you like your life, it is easy to say I did that... I made this life but when your life is not what you want, it is much harder to say I did that, I created this life However, when you have the courage to face yourself, and see that you ARE the creator of your entire experience on this planet, it gives you a freedom I can not explain. I am learning each day to create more and more consciously, and although I still slip back into old ways of thinking and attracting... I can see it for what it is, immediately, and choose to stay there, or choose to change my realty. Life was not mean to be lived miserably, and yet so many just keep doing things they hate, because it is destiny. People also get caught up in, the idea that a relationship is destiny and if it ends, that means it was not the one( have a whole other idea of all that, but I digress)... this all is a very slippery slope if you ask me, because without making some deliberate choices about the life you want, you are always a victim... of other people, of fate, of karma, etc.... and you can live as a victim, no one ever said you could not, bondage IS a choice... but I think making a conscious decision (therefor not living in bondage) as to how you want your life to be, is so much more fulfilling. SO I say screw destiny and create the life YOU want, one that is full of love, life, and fun! Sounds much more fun that someone elses plan for me... maybe it is the freedom lover in me.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 04:29:55 +0000

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