So the lady at Costco yesterday story. Sure to disappoint because - TopicsExpress


So the lady at Costco yesterday story. Sure to disappoint because of the build-up. I arrived to a group of 5 eager tasters awaiting the turkey/stuffing/gravy combo. The sample lady was serving them up. Rules are you cant pre-grab. They have to be officially on the tray and in the official serving area. Some guy either didnt know that or didnt care and began to reach past the safety zone. An outspoken customer began SCREAMING at him, actually berating him. She explained the rules loud and clear. Mind you, this was a customer, not the frightened sample lady. We were all frightened. So the guy stopped, seeming to understand the rules now and stood waiting. As a seasoned and courteous Costco diner, I sized up the crowd, counted the numbers and saw there were just enough for us all, and knew that I would be the last to dive in, as I was the last to arrive. The tray was placed down, everyone grabbed in what I assumed was proper order because the aggressive woman wasnt scolding anyone. Enter: customer number 7. He took my cup. I wasnt happy, but I wasnt crying or screaming either. Guess who took care of THAT problem? This woman went ballistic on this guy. Normally, I would have said something sarcastic or passive-agressive under my breath, but thanks to her, I knew there would be no need. It came to him saying, Here, she can I have it. I wouldnt have of course accepted a second-hand sample and somehow the woman knew that. She screamed, SHE DOESNT WANT IT AFTER YOUVE HAD YOUR HANDS ON IT! I was speechless. So the sample lady made me a custom helping which made me feel extra special as I knew that was against sample lady protocol. I said, Thank you. Then the irate lady screamed, She said thank you … Did you all hear that? None of you had the MANNERS to. So as the crowd began to scatter (probably abandoning carts, fearing their lives and just getting the hell out of the store), the woman singled me out and started to follow me as if we were in that together. Could you believe THOSE people? She asked. uh, n-n-n-no, I c-c-couldnt I responded. She wanted to go on about the episode, but for once I was on the rude peoples side and headed to the produce fridge because I could see she wasnt dressed for it. End of story.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 16:42:57 +0000

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