So the news commentators are saying that Obama wants to press - TopicsExpress


So the news commentators are saying that Obama wants to press ahead on his plan to grant amnesty via executive order because (wait for it...) he wants to keep his PROMISE to latino voters... So Im thinking, why do Latino voters (aka US citizens) want Obama to grant amnesty to millions of law breakers? [After all, ONLY citizens VOTE right?] This begs many questions: Why would Latino-Americans want to flood the US with law-breakers? What gain(s) do they expect to achieve? What value do Latino voters place on their own Americanism and citizenship? Come to Mexifornia and Ill show you the answers... I oppose ANY kind of unilateral action by ANY president that grants advantages in immigration and/or citizenship for ANY immigrant group! If immigration and US citizenship have ANY VALUE in this modern era, then that value demands that there be an orderly process to ensure that those who come here are assets to the US as they blend in among the rest of us... My Dad took his place in line, maybe yours did too, or your grandparents or great grandparents... They ALL obeyed our laws and they all ASSIMILATED into AMERICAN society, they learned to speak our language and they worked to earn the respect of their neighbors, co-workers and (eventually) fellow citizens... ANY form of AMNESTY violates that sacred trust that LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and the US government have mutually kept all through our history... Granting blanket amnesty or a path to citizenship for millions - MOSTLY HISPANICS - is ANTI-AMERICAN. Opposing anti-Americanism is the duty of American citizens. Soon, Obama and his socialist backers will try to break the existing immigration laws. They will tell us all that they are seeking justice for these immigrants. They will hold posters with pictures of the Statue of Liberty and claim that amnesty is equivalent with legal and lawful immigration... When people like me (and hopefully YOU) protest against Obamas latest and worst violation of US LAW, we will be called RACISTS and haters... Think about how their accusations offend your own sense of duty as an American citizen and a son or daughter of LEGAL IMMIGRATION - while they are more in line with communists and totalitarians. Be proud of your heritage and mindful of your countrys enemies... The mid-term elections show what happens when Americans finally wake-up...
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 15:04:52 +0000

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