So the other day Brandon and I saw something in the middle of the - TopicsExpress


So the other day Brandon and I saw something in the middle of the road that goes around the mall...we turned around because Brandon thought it looked like a wallet and keys. Sure enough he got out and brought back a gorgeous Coach wallet and keys to nice dodge. We open it to see if we can find some identification and boy did we! This wallet had her military I.D., drivers license, social security cards, cash and credit cards! Lucky for her we are honest people and wouldnt dream of taking ANYTHING. I tried looking her up on facebook to try and get some kind of contact to her that we had found her wallet. No luck! Luckily we found some business cards in her wallet (she sells the It Works! Wraps) and they had her number on them! I was so excited to call her and let her know she didnt need to worry, that we had found her stuff and would return it to her. I thought she would be so excited, appreciative even....not really! I mean this stuff could have ended up in the hands of someone who would have stolen her identity, stole her cash.....charged up her credit cards...I mean just the worst you can imagine. But God led us to it instead. I guess the point im trying to make is that she barely seemed phased by it, she said thank you of course but the gratitude just wasnt there. So we returned the wallet, and proceeded to go into the mall. We agreed that we did the right thing that it was good karma and all that, and thats what really matters. Well today I get a call from Bryces eye doctor, they say they owe us a refund! What?! I was dumbfounded.....why did they owe US money!? Well it turns out that his insurance DID cover his poly lenses and we were going to get the $50 we spent to upgrade them back in our account. You know what I call that? Karma coming back to us. A small miracle even. We arent completely broke but that $50 will def help with getting some more school clothes for the kids. Lesson to be learned: Do good for others and maybe when you need something good to happen, karma will be on your side ;)
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 21:21:15 +0000

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