So the other day, I noticed something that peeked my curiosity. I - TopicsExpress


So the other day, I noticed something that peeked my curiosity. I thought about it again today as I put my PIN number into the ATM machine. Now, alot of things we say and do are actually things we take for granite. For all intensive purposes, saying something the way we we’re suppose to should be pretty easy. Supposably, we learn these expressions in school, or I guess we should of learned them. So maybe my third grade teacher is my escape goat. But now, outside school without a grammar teacher at our beckon call, in this doggy-dog world, we can’t seem to speak or write correctly. We say something then wait with baited breath to see if anyone tells us we’re wrong. And often, nobody does, which begs the question, is this a mute point? Irregardless of weather we’re corrected or not, most of us could care less. Maybe this slight of hand we use in our speech is a blessing in the skies. But for me, I think it’s time to nip it in the butt. I’m not bemused! In fact, I’m a bit nauseous just thinking about it. The right expression and the wrong expression are not one in the same. We need to make a full 360 here. Yes, we may slip up on accident now and then. But when we’re conversating over espresso, let’s try and use the right words to convey our meaning. So, if you didn’t know, this post is tongue and cheek. There are a lot of mistakes in here! How many can you find?
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 02:37:33 +0000

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