So the other day I’m changing the battery in the chirping smoke - TopicsExpress


So the other day I’m changing the battery in the chirping smoke detector, (that had been chirping for months), & I think to myself, I’m going to need one of these for my thighs soon if they keep rubbing! I realized that I have actually eaten more ice cream in the last month, than I probably have in the last year. I went from kickboxing an hour, 4 days a week, & yoga 90 minutes every other week, to sitting in meetings, classes, workshops, traveling, eating, & minimal exercise in a year’s time which equaled me being 10 lbs. heavier than I was this time last summer. … After watching T. D. Jakes this morning, I decided that enough is enough. I’m about to turn 50, but I surely don’t wanna weigh 150! I put on some shorts, a tank top, socks, tennis shoes, grabbed my fanny pack, stuffed it with my cell phone, a hand towel, & a rain coat, put my pedometer on my shorts, & made up my mind to walk from my house in West Kendall, (The Hammocks), down SW 157th Avenue, to SW 152nd Street, (Coral Reef). Now, I’m planning to undo all of the damage I’ve done in a year, in one day! :-/ … No problem … So with no warm up, I began on my journey, nice brisk pace … smiling … cool breeze blowing … this will be a cinch … no problem! I made two phone calls; told my friends what I was about to do; listened to them say how far they thought it was; but, yet they cheered me on. Looked at the cute puppies across the street at the Dog Park, & I started walking to one light post, then run to the next one, & did this all the way to 120th. That’s when I noticed I dropped my hand towel. Shoot! No problem! Turned around … walked back until I found it … shoved it in the fanny pack, instead of just hanging on it, & kept going. Arms swaying, full of energy. I did the walk to a post/ run to the next post all the way to SW 136th Street, when someone recognized me. She yelled from her window, I didn’t know that you lived out here. I yelled back, yes, in The Hammocks. (I wasn’t sure who it was, but no problem), I told her to call me. I didn’t want to break my stride to stop & talk. I enjoyed the dew on the grass, the different types of butterflies, shook my head at a few cars as they drove by too fast, but kept it moving. I arrived at the corner of SW 157th Avenue & SW 152nd Street at 10:06 a.m. I walked into the Walgreens there on the corner; asked the clerk if they had a water fountain. I was directed to the rear of the store where I found the water fountain. Counted off a ten second sip like in Elementary school, (didn’t want to get a cramp), & walked back out of the store. Now, the walk back, was just a lil’ different… The sun was a lil’ hotter than when I started. Things were looking different on the way back. The following is the list of items that I learned on the walk back: Working out in the gym, you can open your mouth from time to time for deep breaths which I couldn’t do on the walk back. Eeeewww! That’s not what I wanted for breakfast! :-< Although there were no gnats on the walk going, they all found me on the walk back. The cute butterflies that I wanted to stop & take pictures of, but didn’t walk to break my stride by stopping; all began to look like giant moths on the walk back. The no need for a restroom break on the walk going, turned into a prayer for a doctor to pass by an insert a catheter on the walk back. The dew that glistened on the grass that I would have photographed because it was so pretty, would have been sipped on the walk back had it not dried up. On the walk back I walked & turned my face toward the cars hoping someone else might notice me that I knew on the walk back. The cars that angered me as they passed by driving too fast were welcomed for the nice breeze that they made on the walk back. The music that I listened to on the walk going, turned into The 23rd Psalm, & the Our Father prayer, & rebuking satan & telling him to get behind me on the walk back, I learned that you don’t have to be in a car to ask, “ Am I there yet?!?! “, on the walk back. I learned that you don’t have to be in a dessert to see a mirage, on the walk back. My swaying arms, turned into hands on my hips, looking to see how much further I had to go, on the walk back. The cute dogs that I wanted to play with on the walk going, were yapping nuisances on the walk back. The raincoat that I packed in my fanny pack would have stayed in the pack, as I prayed for a rain cloud, on the walk back. The nice hair do that I left the house with, now looked like a fight character from a Japanese cartoon, on the walk back. The cute guy that rode past me on his bicycle on the walk going, I was ready to shove him off & take his bike, on the walk back. The verbal chastising that I would I would normally give my children for leaving any clothes on the floor, my clothes looked like art as I peeled them off my body & dropped them once I made it back home. The tile floor that I really don’t like to walk on without my flip flops or house shoes, felt like a Swedish massage when I laid on it when I made it back home. The pitcher that we’d use to make family Kool-Aid, looked like the size of a red party cup as I filled it with ice & water & drank it all, once I made it back home. The carton of Breyers ice cream, that I just enjoyed last night, was tossed into the garbage, & blamed for doing this to me. I called the same two friends that I spoke to on the way going, & gave them choice words for not stopping me! However, once I settled down, & my electrolytes stabilized, I realized how grateful I am for going & making it back without stopping, & I may go to yoga @ 6 p.m. :-)
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 17:50:36 +0000

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