So the other day some one sent me a PM that said I was a - TopicsExpress


So the other day some one sent me a PM that said I was a disrespectful wife... in some ways they were right, one thing that I dont get though, how is talking about a dead person disrespectful? I love so many people, tons and there are people I will always love and yes some of them are ex boyfriends. Hard not to love a man forever who holds your hair back while you puke through chemo and hard not to love the one who saw you through so much of the hell after. I know I shouldnt compare this because there is no way it can compare but I feel like many of my ex boyfriends saw me through battlefields and its like going to a VA meeting when I see them... It doesnt mean I love anyone else any less, in fact I think as we practice love our capacity for it increases. The more I love the deeper Im able to love and the more selfless that love becomes. Art hes my hero, his death ignited in me a desire to live my dreams. His passion was following his dreams, he was a decorated military officer, he had three college degrees and was working on a fourth. My admiration for who he was as a person and all he did and my gratitude for all he taught me, doesnt decrease the magnificence of anyone else in my life, but knowing they can at anytime be ripped away to a place I cannot go... that makes me appreciate them all the more. Each person is unique and irreplaceable to me because I have lost people I care for. Losing some one makes your life stop and then suddenly it starts again and its like youve never seen it before and dont recognize it because suddenly its in technicolor after being drab gray. I dont want to tout too much here about all the wonderful people in my life now but I want to say, I love Michelle, she sends me texts to let me know shes thinking of me, she is so passionate and full of life and pursuing her dreams and is always being a kind giving person its a miracle she hasnt sprouted wings and taken off already. Ashley Lachelle Kofford She has so much strength inside that even an emotional super man would be a weak kitten in comparison, things that would leave me curled up in a ball crying she just shrugs off and keeps going, and Savannah I dont know anyone who is a bigger cheerleader for others than her, she is a care taker and get it done amazon! And each of you on my FB wall every comment you make every like you give, I cannot appreciate you enough for giving that time and love to me. You are beautiful, and each day I marvel at your wit, your beauty, your insight, and your passion. Seems like everyone I follow is a bright beautiful universe that I just want to immerse myself in! It doesnt make me love anyone else any less. The guy Im some what with now, I cant compare him to anyone else because he is his own type of ball game, so smart he should have a university named after him, so considerate I swear hes half care bear. The thing is Love isnt about who you love more but about loving each person for who they are! Anyway this has been on my mind since the Atlanta event, on stage I brought a dear friend who died and happened to be some one I will always love, some people thought it was tacky and low class of me, maybe because I didnt speak with the same regard for my husband... I dont know but anyway they had their issues with it... and while this maybe a minority vote, I think we as humans have the gift to love in infinite ways and that just because you love some one doesnt mean you have to stop loving anyone else, some times it just means that love evolves. I think with romance and monogamy giving up Lust vs Giving up love of another is where people get confused. Anyway my two cents.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 20:55:31 +0000

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