So the winter of 2012/13, with its icy grip and seemingly endless - TopicsExpress


So the winter of 2012/13, with its icy grip and seemingly endless snow, came as something of a shock. The Met office records that, during the worst spell, night time temperatures fell as low as -15degreesC, and struggled to get above freezing during the day. As well as causing transport chaos and closing schools, extreme cold like this put a big strain on our homes. So how can you protect yours? Do Some Pre-Winter Maintenance A few spot checks around your home will reduce the likelihood of winter rains, wind and cold causing structural damage. * Clean out the guttering and check for any leaks or damage. * Cast your eye over the roof from ground level to look for problem signs such as loose or missing tiles. Check that TV aerials are securely fixed, too. * Look out for cracked, loose or missing pointing or rendering on exterior walls and have this fixed before water finds it way in. * Get your boiler and/or central heating serviced by a Gas Safe registered engineer * Clear out leaves and debris blocking up drain grilles and clean patios and footpaths before they get slippery from a build-up of dirt. * Have chimneys and flues swept if you use an open fire or wood burner. * Get your insulation up to scratch - lag pipes and water tanks, fit draught excluders and insulate your loft properly. * Make sure your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are in full working order. * Show every vaguely capable person in the house where the stopcock is, plus where to turn off electricity and gas supplies in case of emergency. * Keep a list of useful numbers handy in case of emergency. Include your plumber, gas installer, electrician and doctor.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 11:49:06 +0000

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