So then lets consider first of all what is a mind in the grip a - TopicsExpress


So then lets consider first of all what is a mind in the grip a vicious circles. Well one of the most obvious instances that we all know is the phenomenon of worry.The doctor tells you that you have to have an operation. And that has been set up so that automatically everybody worries about it. But since worrying takes away your appetite and your sleep its not good for you. But you cant stop worrying and therefore you get additionally worried that you are worrying. And then furthermore because that is quite absurd and your mad at yourself because you do it, you are worried because you worry because you worry. That is a vicious circle. So now, can you allow your mind to be quiet? Isnt it difficult? Because the mind seems to be like a monkey,jumping up and down and jabbering all the time. Once youve learned to think you cant stop. And an enormous number of people devote their lives to keeping their minds busy and feel extremely uncomfortable with silence. When youre alone nobodys saying anything, theres nothing to do just this worrying, this lack of distraction. Im left alone with myself and I wanna get away from myself, I always want to get away myself. Thats why I go to the movies, thats why I go to the biscuit stores, thats why I go after the girls or anything or get drunk or whatever. I dont want to be with myself. I feel queer. So well why do you wanna run away from yourself? Whats so bad about it? Why do you want to forget this? Why do you want to become yourself? Because you are addicted to thoughts. This is a drug, too dangerous one. Compulsive thinking, on and on and on and on all the time. Its a habit. So theres a difficulty about stopping that activity. And you really have to stop it if you want to be sane. Because if I talk all the time I dont hear what anyone else has to say. And Ill end up in the situation of having nothing to talk about but my own talking. And so exactly the same way if I think all the time I wont have anything to think about except thoughts. So in order to have something to think about, there are times when you simply must stop thinking. Well, how do you do that? The first rule is dont try to. Because if you do, you will be like someone trying to make rough water smooth with a flatiron. And all that will do will stir it up. So in the same way as a muddy turbulent pool quiets itself when left alone, you have to know how to leave your mind alone. It will quiet itself.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 01:44:27 +0000

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