So there I am, digging up the front when 3 Ukip campaigners offer - TopicsExpress


So there I am, digging up the front when 3 Ukip campaigners offer me some literature. Resisting the urge to ask if it takes 3 of them because of the weight of all their bullshit, I politely decline, explaining that I will not be voting Ukip in the next election. The ring leader here by referred to as Big Wanker asked what Ukip had done wrong. I once again, politely, explained that they are not the party that I feel best represents my interest and that I will be voting for a different party at which point the second man, hence forth to be known as Little Wanker, pipes up with Not the Liberals is it?, losing my patients with the racist homophobes I dismissively reply Not this year. And continue with my yard work (now admittedly I had meant to say Not this time. But seeing as they were leaving me alone I didnt bother to clarify my response) Then the third goon, here by known as Girl Wanker mutters to Little Wanker, well its for next year we want her vote... Dont try to make me feel stupid darling, youre campaigning for Ukip! And you were just rude to an undecided voter with a good four inches on you and a spade in her hand. How did an idiot like you survive infancy? Why do I engage with these people? I should have just put on a foreign accent and said No, no, I no allowed to vote in UK Bet Big Wanker would have loved that. To add insure to injury a few minutes later 4 teenage girls, one pushing a pram, walked past and, obviously unaware that I only had one earphone or just not caring if I heard, had a brief conversation about how I was clearly a lesbian... This is why we Stay in the house Karl, this is why we stay in the house...
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 13:53:09 +0000

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