So there are reasons to believe that all of those heaven tourism - TopicsExpress


So there are reasons to believe that all of those heaven tourism books and movies are lies. The latest story, if you have been on an extended vacation to an isolated cavern in Outer Mongolia (welcome back), is that the book _The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven_ has been admitted, by its protagonist, to be a lie. As an atheist Im obviously not surprised that one or more of those books might be lies. Its certainly possible that someone whose brain is subjected to extended oxygen deprivation or similar shocks that can kill a person might recover with memories of something they interpret as a visit to heaven. Thats also how dreams work: the brain generates more or less random signals, and if we retain a memory of those signals when we wake up our conscious mind attempts to create a narrative that makes sense of those signals. Someone who believes in heaven would be likely to interpret some of those signals as a visit to heaven, and if the doctor told them, you know, we almost lost you, well, then its not surprising theyd see things that way. Our brains work that way, like it or not. So I suspect that there are heaven tourism books that are written in good faith (a term of law here), even if I do not believe in heaven. But religionists who believe they know their theology are convinced that all of these stories are wrong and shouldnt be told. And religious publishers use the gullibility (not a nice word, but thats what were talking about here) of people to make a lot of money. It speaks of trouble in paradise. Let me make some popcorn.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 16:14:01 +0000

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