So there we were, Cindy and I, walking back from the bank, down - TopicsExpress


So there we were, Cindy and I, walking back from the bank, down Miner Street following an older couple when the oddest thing happened... Um, EXCUSE me, I know its ILLEGAL, but I NEED to pass! ! (Girl from behind walks by us on the right...wait, were on a sidewalk, do those have traffic laws?) My head involuntarily cocked to the left... something was wrong with this picture, I just couldnt wrap my head around it. Her hips twitched rapidly from side to side like a speed walker taking micro steps, her arms and hands clearly didnt know what to do with themselves and her pants...isnt that the color jeans would be...if they were...inside out? Now my head cocked to the right, I imagine I would have looked like the spaniel from the old RCA logo at this point, where were her pockets? Theres the stitching but wheres the pockets? The white dog ear pockets protruding from her twitching hips flapped happily in the breeze...a white label about half way down her thigh hung on desperately to the frantically retreating material... ~SNORT~ I heard Cindy stifle a gaffaw next to me as we BOTH realized simultaneously that Illegal Pass On Our Right Tweaker Girl had her pants on INSIDE OUT! ! Now mind you, these pants were nearly PAINTED on! OmGAAAAAAAAAAAAWD, how on earth did she zip them? Like seriously, have you ever tried to zip anything from the WRONG side? ? Not an easy task. We nearly DOVE through the door a Mings laughing and snorting. After what seemed forever and luckily not piddling on their floor, we grabbed our lunch...Crazy Americans anyway! ! I HATE tweekers but thank you Illegal Pass On The Right Tweaker Girl for the laugh! :) ...Just wow! ~snort~ ♡HAPPY THURSDAY EVERYONE♡
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 17:04:55 +0000

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