So theres a lot of buzz going around today about two things and I - TopicsExpress


So theres a lot of buzz going around today about two things and I felt very compelled to share my feelings about them. 1. Malia Obama took a selfie wearing a Pro Era shirt. Theyre a quasi-rap group that is notorious for violence, being shady, etc. There are a plethora of anti-Barrack people saying that this is an example of his failed parenting. Even going so far as to say that this incident proves he isnt fit to lead a nation. What is he supposed to do here? How is his daughter wearing a shirt indicative of his parenting? I think its awesome he didnt peruse her closet to eliminate all offensive things or possible problematic attire. Shes a kid. Its not her fault shes in the publics crosshairs. Which brings me to the second point: 2. Today, ISIS killed several people, last tally I saw was 11, at a newspaper in Paris. All of this over the fact that they made offensive satirical cartoons showing the prophet Muhammad. Muhammads teachings, much like Jesus, are bastardized by this group claiming to be Followers. He preached a message of forgiveness and protection of fellow man. The older cartoonist said something that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. After receiving multiple death threats for his drawings, he said I have no wife, no kids, no pets. I have nothing to lose. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. Today this man died on his feet. We should mourn the loss of these human beings by remembering that the actions of a few do not depict the intentions of the whole.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 20:04:59 +0000

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