So theres this male tendency (that I am happy not to have) to - TopicsExpress


So theres this male tendency (that I am happy not to have) to intellectualize capitalism - to see self-interest as primary in the world and to then become a mouthpiece for self-interest. Middle age seems to bring it on more than any other thing, and I suppose it results from societys defeat of the souls last stand that happens in our early 40s. Next time you hear an otherwise nice guy championing libertarianism, (which you might as well call propertarianism), use your heart to look for their soul. Diminished, absent, ghost-like, wavering.... Neo-con, Neo-liberal, these are just different slants on how to best serve investors (the propertied). One only has to check in to their heart to feel the emptiness of all this white male politicking. The natural tendency is to be life-interested, not self-interested. The natural process has always trended towards balance, and everything about capitalism, libertarianism, the American Way, blah blah, have to do with pinnacles, and tipping points, and an absence of balance. Self-interest fills the void left by the departure of the defeated soul. An addiction like any other it hits hardest in a distinct demographic - the North American Caucasian Male. In our day-to-day living of life, we can look away from these poor empty suits. But in a generational way, it is long past time to give them a snack and a nap. We must stop these criminals, for whom the future is meaningless. They would sell water to our grandchildren, rather than share it with them. It cannot go that far. The secret is that We The People, the 99.9%, have complete control over their lives through our spending habits.The whole point of partisan politics is to distract us from that simple truth. To keep us from joining together in a unanimous NO. For our grandchildren to have hope, clean water, clean air, it is time now for us who have been divided into left and right to unite, to claim our vast power. This is a call for all to commit to a week without buying petroleum products - it seems to me that the fourth of July weekend would be a good time for that boycott. We can bring the carbon criminals to their knees in a week, easy, if enough of us just stay home for a week. Like this and share this if you are with me. They would sell water to our grandchildren, instead of share it with them.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:54:06 +0000

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