So they are no longer two, but they are one flesh. So let man not - TopicsExpress


So they are no longer two, but they are one flesh. So let man not separate what God has joined, Matthew 19:6. We get married for better or for worse. The festivities are over, we learn to know each other to live together until the end of days. Once married, discoveries are made, some of which are pleasant, and others require prayer and fasting for things to improve. The enemy often attacks the first months of marriage, the doubt we begin to ask questions like: I made the right choice? How long will we stay together? Will I or long endure? For a successful marriage, it is necessary to know the essence. Marriage is a spiritual union, more than it is physical or emotional. Many people think that it is enough to love for this unit lead to happiness. However, we note that many spouses of yesterday become worst enemies today, going to court to succeed on being once loved. There arises the question: Where is the first love? The solution for a successful marriage is built on the SPIRIT because her marriage based on feelings is a serious mistake. Humans often change their minds, but anyone who is led by The Holy Spirit is faithful, because faithfulness is the Fruit of the SPIRIT, according to Galatians 5:22. Faced with the lust of the flesh and eyes must walk according MIND not to the lusts of the flesh, recommends Galatians 5:16. Indeed, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, says Matthew 26:41. The Holy Spirit gives love, patience, faithfulness, self-control, and all that contributes to the happiness of the newlyweds. Spouses are called to pray together heart to heart, hand in hand to support the marriage. And, even during difficult times when the spouses have difficulty in the support one another, where the eyes leave his wife or her husband to walk on passersby. It is important to resolve misunderstandings by prayer, and not to call family or friends, may respond favorably to some people opposed to this marriage occasion. The elders in the Bible knew honor the marriage, they are not breaking their alliance, even in the face of problems such as poverty and infertility. Thus, lack of child could not separate from Sarai Abram, Isaac Rebecca, Rachel Jacob, Elkanah Anne, Elizabeth and Zechariah. All implored the LORD and were rescued because of their faith. The Bible says in Psalm 127:1 When the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. That is why the LORD must be solid foundation on which is built the wedding. Indeed, the better end of a thing than its beginning, reveals Ecclesiastes 7:8. This verse indicates that the validity of the happy ending of an event, and a happy marriage ends at the end of life. What LORD bless your marriage!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 15:51:06 +0000

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