So, this afternoon was thinking about Judiths post and why we are - TopicsExpress


So, this afternoon was thinking about Judiths post and why we are all so upset by a con man using birds to get money - he is constantly asking for money for food, toys and of course emergency vet treatment. He doesnt ask for money for yearly vet checks and thats because he never does them. So I decided to go through this last 5 months of emergency requests for money to take bird to the vet. I was shocked when I realized just how many emergencies BW/GK has had in such a short space of time. I will share these so people who think we are just haters will understand WHY we dont and wont give up on this pathetic, excuse of a man and sanctuary. And why people should not send birds to his sanctuary and anywhere near him. Who cares if he has 6 full time staff members - its bull sh*t because, if you had 6 full time staff members these emergencies would NOT happen and these poor, unwilling cell mates would not suffer so. As of July, August - all information of these 9 birds (though Kokomo was seen 3 times since July) was SHARED openly by BW/GK for the public while soliciting funds for these emergencies - I have not included the dying dogs. Eclectus - (Aug,1st 2014) - Toby received (Friday, August 1, 2014), in desperate need of beak trim - None of the 6 full time staff members, or the amazing director were able to perform this task. Funding was requested for specialized beak trim. Umbrella CC2 July/August/Sep - Umbrella CC2 Kokomo (Coco) - re-opens chest wounds. So three vet visits - still using sock buddy though. Funding was requested for vet treatment PLet (Oct, 2014) Three months ago (Oct 2nd)it was the little blue Plet that was dying, Her left nare was completely clogged. We called our avian vet immediately and was instructed to attempt to feed her pancake syrup to revive her. Blueberry was given an anti-biotic and we are to try to give it to her for the next few days. Photos to graphics to posts. Funding was requested for vet treatment, didnt get to see the vet. 2x MCC2s (Oct, 25th) fight, one with beak damage the other requiring surgery to stitch up the chest wound. GKs comments - Sibling rivalry - On Friday, October 24, 2014, Broken Wing staff heard a commotion originating from the Parrot Chalet. Photos to graphics to posts. Funding was requested for vet treatment MCC2 (Nov, 2014) Opens mutilates again - apparently the Sock Buddy didnt work. GKs comments - Unfortunately, it turns out that placing the Sock Buddy on Kaela at this time was a bad idea. When we woke up the next day, we discovered that Kaela self-mutilated her wing and tail feathers. Funding was requested for vet treatment. MCC2 (Nov 30th) Needed emergency exam AS PER GK - Joey-Martin was taken to the Scottsdale Veterinary Clinic for concerns that his 2010 vent repair may have to be re-examined because within the last week his feces has developed a distinct foul odor and he began chewing feathers on his tail, wings and plucked on his ventral coelom and legs. Apparently the foul feces discharge, his chewing feathers on his tail, wings and vent and legs were of no concern... magic...but... Funding was requested for vet treatment. Goffin (Dec, 2014) - Coco a Goffin apparently slit it throat (not), needing emergency surgery and treatment. Photos to graphics to posts. Funding was requested for vet treatment Now the Fischer Love Bird dies. Funding was requested for vet treatment So tell me - how can anyone consider we are unfair - I dont give a darn about this fraud and con man, breaks my heart for these birds suffering.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 16:05:22 +0000

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