So, this is my next to last morning in Gabon, Africa… at least - TopicsExpress


So, this is my next to last morning in Gabon, Africa… at least for this go-around. The rains have started…. :( From the time I got here on Feb 1 until Feb 26, we only received a few rain showers and it was at only at night. That was GREAT!!!!! However, the wind NEVER blew….and I NEVER felt a breeze. It was so still that I asked them if the wind ever blew in Gabon? They said Sure!!! and I told them that I did not believe them!! Ha!!!! Everyday, the lows are 78-79 degrees and the highs are 88-90 degrees with 90% humidity with NO noticeable air movement. Late last week, I finally felt a breeze….not cool but not hot either just a breeze. I asked the guys What the HECK am I feeling? And they were asking me, what are you asking? When I told them, they just laughed. The breeze stopped after an hour and the next day I noticed a different type of clouds in the air….they were rain clouds. It was really strange because I have read and heard about people noticing changes in the air but never had I experienced the subtle changes that I noticed this time…and Im not talking a Texas Blue Northern!!!!....Very cool thing!!! I prayed that God would hold off the rain…. I could feel that the weather was about to change. Later that day, I found out about the strike of the Customs Officials and realized that I would not be hitting my goal. Somewhat disappointing ….On early Sunday am, it came a huge deluge. It poured!!! ...with flash flooding. Monday was a muddy work day and today it rained again. God did not answer my prayers on holding off the rain. :/ They were right. Don’t plan on getting much done during the Big Rain Season (March and April). I am disappointed in that we did not hit the mark that I set. I knew it was a high mark and I would be cutting it close but there were things beyond my control (on-going strike & the rains) that prevented us from meeting the goal. I was asking God why? Why after me praying and asking God about WHAT goals to set, was he letting me down? Also, why the apparent delays in the timeframe on when the school might open? Isnt this to further the kingdom of God? I don’t want people that have supported this project to become discouraged either. After reading my devotion, I think know part of the answer …. It is simple yet very complex. The simple answer is that this is Gods project and not Scotts or the Churchs or the A/G World Missions and it will be completed in Gods timing and not on anyone elses. That is the simple and easy answer, but difficult to fully understand. Now the complex part: I had an euphony yesterday….I realized that God is developing character traits in ALL of us at ALL times. These things take time and it is really the journey of our lives in this world. We can choose to have God help us or not…it our choice to ask for Gods help. It is each of our responsibilities to grow into what God wants us to be and not someone elses responsibility. I realized for me that God is developing Perseverance. To persevere, one must face difficulties in the midst of the trials of life and to push through them, not quitting and not giving up…. until such time there is a release of that trial. These character traits takes time to develop and not a quick Wham bam!. When Melinda was first diagnosed , I felt like I was to memorize Colossians 1:9-14. I have prayed and spoke it out almost everyday for 6 years. Part of that scripture talks about having great endurance and patience. I realized that I was going to need that in walking with Melinda through the things she was going through. I was going to need patience for sure….mainly patience WITH her and FOR her every day and all day!!!! :) I realized after her passing that God had developed within me a great deal of patience with her (and now with others). How does one gain a character trait such as that? Going to church? Reading self-help books? Going to Bible classes? … all good things but the answer is NO. The bottom line is that we go through things in our lives so that God can develop us into what he wants us to be…whether we are Christian or not. We individually must spend time with God, pray, read Gods word and act according to his will and direction….with that, we will see successes, mountains moved, habits overcomed and more blessings in our lives. Then the next question is Why? Does God want us to develop those character traits?…..I don’t know…. I suppose that is for another day... Sorry folks, I did not make the rules….like it or not, that is the way I see it in this life. Blessings to all and Im coming home!!!! Yippee for me!!!! See yall in Texas!!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 12:21:02 +0000

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