So this is one of my writing for English class: - TopicsExpress


So this is one of my writing for English class: Unknown Our minds have been molded to a point where we ourselves no longer truly know how to think, we are all confused, blinded, in this world. If we were not told of wrong or right, or our minds were not sculpted by individuals who therefore are lost, or just going with what we know, what would we be? Would we see that we are all one flow of energy, that we all have gifts, power, old minds? As a child our minds are not fresh, they are old, but society molds us to forget. If we think differently, or talk of what is not familiar we are labeled “insane.” We are something, we are nothing, as we are sane to as we are insane. We fear the unknown, we are sheltered to forget our capabilities, our mind’s true strength, to be governed by those who seek selfishness, vein, power, but power over what? They themselves are scared, they lie and hide from us. We give all we have, but why? We give our freedom, do we know freedom? This is not freedom, we are all slaves and we are too blind to see it. Parts of the world, worse than others, but all one thing in common, we are all controlled. When I was younger, I knew I was different, I saw differently, my thought were different. Others focused on crushes, recess, the teacher putting them on the “red zone”, nap time, toys, my mind was focused on other things, at this very day I cannot describe. My mind set saw memories, that were not mine, my mind pondered and grew curious. In class I would block out what the teachers would say, I had my own thoughts, I was already thinking for myself. While others let their thoughts rest in the hands other those who it is too late for them. We divide the world, we put a price on it, we price our resources, we price everything. Why? Why does this one paper, this digital number, control so many people’s destinies? Why do we let it? We have been taught nothing is ours, nothing is ours until you get that green paper, or told you have a certain number, why? This world was not meant to be old, it is not ours to sell it. How can groups of people control millions of people, with no questions asked? Money, a number, a piece of paper, that we die over. The meaning of money is now known as life for many people, why? They have molded our minds into believing that. From the beginning we are told what to think, not how to think. As a child the movies we watched, the music we listened to, if you think about it we didn’t know what was going on, what it was what we were watching, for me that is how I saw it. As I grew older I began to understand, by teaching myself how to use my mind and comprehend my surroundings. We are told what to think, not how to think, what to make of things, we follow something so deeply that we do not truly know what it is. We are all basically dots, not even a forth of a dot, we know nothing, everything we know as of now could be false, we are brought up to think critically, to judge the unfamiliar, to fear the unknown. We have lives, died, never existed, but then yet we have. we have experienced the future, we have experienced present day and past, even though none of those are surreal. Your dreams are all in one, we have seen society advance, we have seen society in the weakness, everything has happened but not happened. It is a repetition but yet it is also an infinity of never stopping life, we have repeated life, we are life, we have seen time over time. As we let our minds mold,we forget what we truly are, what has happened, we start over and over until we get it right. Our mind is limitless, we have no limit, we need to regain control of our minds, we can strive for greater, forget and leave behind what you know and go on a journey to rediscover. We as “humans” are not advanced, and will never be, we have a certain way of thinking, the only ways we know. What we are taught a certain way, we conform, our life is shaped by circumstances, we are shaped by what is given to us. We are reality, we are the t idea, every individual has the mind strength to create anything. We cannot be blind to block it all out, we have block out so many of our past memories, we have been brainwashed to forget what is real and what fake. We are lost, we are confused, we are slaves because we allowed ourselves to be. We are not suppose to make sense, our sense is nonsense, we are sense but we are nonsense, until we get it right we cannot ever fully understand. Nothing is what it is made to seem, nothing is what is means, something is nothing and nothing is something. Everything connects, if there is no answer, then why live? There is greater to come, greater to see, greater than we can ever think of. Life is what you make it, I decided to let it expand, I connect my mind, soul, energy, nature, let my soul float, if I meet my creator or if there is no creator, I live my life day by day. Beliefs change everyday, nothing is meant to stay the same, there is no time, no matter. Everything is unpredictable, do not put rules, create your own self, your own morals, your beliefs, you are life. You come in this life alone, you die alone, you are recreated alone. What if everything we have ever dreamed or imagined is real? Or has existed? Or has taken place or taking place now? What is real versus what we are trained to believe? Everything we see is information, a hint, a path to ponder into an abyss of never ending life.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 21:12:38 +0000

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