So, this is the 730th day since my Big Day when it all started - TopicsExpress


So, this is the 730th day since my Big Day when it all started with scientifically learning about spiders, or simply, the End of the Second Year since all that. If you havent read what Ive written about it last year, heres the link: https://facebook/pirat.s.cresa/posts/622770251108954 . Anyway, guys, this has been an AMAZING year! This year was as important as the last one.. so, lets go back, way back... as you all know, last year, I was writing about all the important people and events, this year, the list is doubled! Here it goes : So it was October, I was just starting to learn about mantises. It was just a couple of months after I caught Violin, and in the very important, but unfortunately locked group now, The Praying Mantis Community, whos admin is Scott Thompson, I met a friend who was about to become one of the best Ive ever met, Andrew Pfeifer . He was knowledgeable about mantises, but it was the similarity he had that made us good friends. Then, the days were passing by. I was making more of friends who were knowledgeable about mantises. By this time, I met 2 great Macro Photographers in my area, and one of them was Mario Čehulić and his page Mario Čehulić Photography. Then, a terrible day came... 8th of December, Violin died. The new year was there already, and 2014 started, the year when Spider Science hit 1000 likes and the year when I started focusing more on people from other countries than my own, which I figured became more and more unsatisfying. Then, somewhere in January, I met Jenni Louise Cox, a person that was about to teach me so much about native species to UK (but of course, that meant Croatia, too)! She created a group called British Spider Identification. In the beginning I was wrong on almost every pic, so I almost quit from spiders in such a terrible feeling of failure from a whole year, but I havent realised all I was doing was only learning about foreign species. As days were passing by more and more, I gathered so much information, that this time I was finally able to know most the native species here. All thanks to Jenni! Then, things were happening... I had my first Mating success and it was with filming Cellar spiders. After that, I had many more egg sacs with other species. I soon met many more people I liked, but there are so many they could not fit here xD (Lol, you rock guys hahah!). I soon started having so many friends that my list contained almost 800 friends already. Then, April was the month of anger. I was having many fights and arguments with people who were sharing stuff I did not like, and I could not be quiet about it. Then I started being arrogant! May was here already and I met Miroslav Saric in the group Entomology, and lol, I havent regret it! He was the first to be a Real Arachnologist in my area! Of course, Tom was the FIRST Real Arachnologist I met, but he was in the US, so yeah.. xD Tom helped out a lot and he is a cool guy, as well as Miroslav who understood what it was to live in these parts. I remember having long cool conversations hahah. One of my significant findings in May and April were Saturnia pyri(the largest European moth) and Loxosceles rufescens(the first finding in my city). Then, my Summer holidays started and I was more free about stuff than ever before. I already had European mantises in my possesion and it was awesome. Then I met a person, a Herpethologist, also very similar to me, Brandon Kuretich. It was very interesting to talk to him. Soon I went to the island of Pašman. In this period, I have met Josip Skejo. Thanks to Josip, who really helped by telling me about the finding I accidentally had, my significant find of the year was Trigonidium cicindeliodes, a cricket species that hasnt been found in Croatia since 1964. I owe it all to him. Then I met Mihael Draksic, Nikola Grbesa, and many, many others. I also met Iridium Plank, a dude from Spain interested in Water Beetles and a dude I could also talk to! Throughout the year, a person worth mentioning was Huy Ragaomion, who loves wasps! One of my greatest friends is also Nic Clark, who I met when I met my first Eupholidoptera nymphs. People like Harry Jackson, Billy Brown, Romlea Grindley, Jun Santos, just to name a few are also very significant! We were getting closer to October, and my Middle/High school started. For now, I have absolutely no regrets and every day its a joy going to school, especially when we have Biology. Also, the tension is a lot lighter now when As and Bs are not that important anymore. I soon preserved my first Ploiaria domestica that I collected on Pašman. Basically, this year was a blast! So many important findings and so many friends I want to meet IN PERSON. I know I wasnt alone in what I do and that Ill never be. I have also started my own Identification Group on Facebook, and following Jennis example, I will hopefully help some people realize what spiders truly are, and that we can have more than just a few people who like Arachnids. Unfortunately, I have lost 2 friends, Sam Wilson and Janine Brennan, due to my bad behaviour towards a person who openly told some myths about Cellar spiders. While were on the subject, I have some important news regarding my life. Some may say I have been extremely progressive and enthusiastic. I have changed a week ago, in a good way, in my opinion. This will also affect my future life. In the future, you will see that more and more, I will drift away from Arachnology and Entomology. I may lose some friends, but their hatred towards my beliefs will cause this. I also ask you to forget each and every post I have ever posted about hating someone, or insulting someone. Nothing like this will ever again appear on my Facebook Wall. I will start dealing with articles of much higher significance, but I will never forget or unfriend any of you. The story of a croatian teenager continues... Who knows how my post next year will look like... Thank you, Doug Batchelor, thank you....... AmazingFacts
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:18:42 +0000

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