So this is the front story on the People Today: Cllr Reidy: - TopicsExpress


So this is the front story on the People Today: Cllr Reidy: “I think it is objectionable that we are being demonised and accused of destroying Medieval fabric. Cllr OHargain: “Some of the accusations levelled against us as elected members in recent months are fundamentally insulting.” County manager Joe Crockett: a number of untruths told about the project. This campaign has only ever sought to raise awareness of the issues involved in the development of this road. We have been careful and thorough at all times in the information we have communicated to the public. Everything that we have stated throughout is verifiable in either planning documents, maps, correspondence or within historical documents. We think it is right that the public should voice their concerns to the people that they have elected to represent them at local level. Members of this campaign group have been nothing but courteous and open with all of the elected members in relation to our concerns about this road. We have invited all elected members to meet with us to discuss our concerns but unfortunately that courteous behaviour has not been reciprocated by all elected members. It seems that the cartoon we uploaded on this page a few days ago, which has been extensively shared, has hit a sore point with many of the councillors. They dont like the fact that they are being portrayed as being blindly led by the Executive of the Council into an action that the people of Kilkenny dont want. The nature of being a public representative is that you have to implement policies that are representative of what your constituents want. If you fail to this, you can only expect that your constituents will express their anger and disapproval. What a reasonable public representative would do is take on board the opinion of their constituents and align their actions accordingly, not lash out in anger at the people who put them there in the first place. Their response shows a lack of respect both for the privileged position to which they have been elected and for the views of the people who have elected them. It is not acceptable to assert that the public outcry against this scheme has come too late in the day and that because planning permission has been given that the road must now go ahead. It is clear that there was little awareness among people in Kilkenny what the impact of this scheme would be. Now that awareness has been raised, the overwhelming voice of citizens should be listened to. Remember that not one stone has yet been turned for this road.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:59:40 +0000

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