So this is the nerd followup to my earlier diabetes post. Skip it - TopicsExpress


So this is the nerd followup to my earlier diabetes post. Skip it if you dont want to geek out on this. But this is what I learned in the last couple of years, and where I learned it, and how the knowledge of it cured me of diabetes. I will list all my sources at the end. Basically I learned that everything depends on sugar. Our bodies operate on glucose. Every function that requires energy in the body uses glucose. We need to supply our bodies with glucose and we do it by consuming it, in its myriad forms. I learned our bodies dont need a lot of glucose to function properly. Youd be perfectly healthy on 40g of carbohydrate a day. Thats eight carrots. In fact, we can get quite a bit of glucose we need from protein: the liver metabolizes about 36% of the protein you eat into glucose. I also finally grokked what fat was. Fat is also glucose, but its glucose stored in tanks called lipid cells. When you burn fat, you release the glucose, and the glucose is used for energy. Fat burns VERY slowly. So when you burn fat for energy, a very steady amount of glucose enters your bloodstream. Sugar, on the other hand, is actually fat. That needs an explanation. Once the glucose is broken out of whatever sugar it comes in (sucrose, fructose, dextrose, lactose, etc) it is bioavailable right away and burns FAST. If there is too much of it, it goes into storage. The way we eat, there is very often too much of it. Its that extra glucose that makes us fat. If we only ate the actual amount of it we could use for the quick energy it supplies, we wouldnt store it. But all you have to do is look at your own body and the bodies of other certain people, like our mayor, and you can see that a lot of people are storing excess sugar. Not fat. Sugar that has been turned into fat. If you can replace the word fat with sugar in your mind, when youre thinking about your own body, youll have a much clearer picture. So is it fat that makes you fat? No. Taking in too much energy in the form of calories will make you fat, but fat people—all of them—are taking in excess calories in the form of sugar, not fat. You wouldnt take in too much energy in the form of calories if you relied on fat for energy. More on which below. We get A LOT of the sugar we eat from grains, and it is fair to say that grains are at the very heart of the obesity epidemic, the diabetes epidemic, and the sugar grain plows into our bodies in almost every meal we consume ensures that not only are we getting regular high doses of pure sugar at every meal, but often with every snack we eat. And those so-called health-conscious people who eat fruit for a snack are just adding vitamins to their sugar. We feed cows grain to make them fatty enough for our palates. Thats what were doing to our own bodies. And thats not even going into what its doing to your pancreas. Obesity and diabetes are diseases of the pancreas. Too much sugar all the time and you break that very clever little organ and all the systems it reigns over. Once broken, never fixed. So why prefer fat as an energy source? Do a fun experiment in your own kitchen: get out two old tablespoons and a lighter (or turn on your gas element). Put 2 g of table sugar into a spoon. Hold it to the flame. You can do this yourself, but Ill tell you what happens. The sugar blackens around the edges, begins to liquefy. It bubbles, blackly. It may catch on fire. After about a minute, the fuel is used up and only waste product remains. The waste product is a black, lavalike, porous, chalky substance. Exactly like the exterior of a well-burnt marshmallow. Now put 2g of bacon fat, or olive oil, or beef tallow onto a new spoon. Hold it to the flame. If it was solid, it liquifies. Once liquid, it begins to get very hot, but it doesnt change colour or state, although eventually, it will darken. Eventually, it begins to bubble. It will remain, undiminished, in the spoon for many minutes afterwards. I stopped at five. Two grams of sugar is eight calories. Two grams of fat is eighteen. More than twice the calories of sugar, but it will burn at least five times longer, and it will burn clean. The low-fat craze of the last forty years is to blame for the rise in obesity and all of our auto-immune disorders. I wont be surprised when they link the increase in sugar consumption to the rise in cancers. If sugar is burning in my body in any way like it burns in the spoon, my guess is Im better off smoking cigarettes than I am eating sugar. That stuff is going into EVERY CELL of my body. All day long. And to reduce fat in a food, what do you do to make it flavourful? You add sugar. Low-fat foods are EXACTLY and PRECISELY the opposite. There are good sugars, or at least, there are tolerable ones. Rice is a gluten-free grain that doesnt do the kind of damage wheat does. Potatoes, sweet potatoes. All vegetables. Fruit within reason. Finally, I learned about leptin. Leptin is a hormone released in the body to regulate appetite. Sugar suppresses leptin. You stay hungry. If sugar is your preferred fuel, you eat more and more of it. Fat and proteins do not interfere with the release of leptin. So, as to my point above, *why* you wont take in too much energy if you rely on fat as your energy source? Because you will feel sated after you eat it. And the leptin your body releases will tell your brain that youre no longer hungry. If any of this is grabbing you, heres the diet I could become a millionaire if I decided to publish it. 1) Eat dinner for breakfast. Every morning of your life that you eat sugar for breakfast, you are disabling your leptin release and you will eat sugar for lunch. 2) Cut out wheat as much as you possibly can. 3) Combine your treats with fat to slow down the release of sugar into your bloodstream. Cake is death. Ice cream is yummy. 4) Love fat again. Use butter. Eat the fat on your steak. Get rid of all your oils but olive and coconut. Bacon is health food. (But careful with the salt of course.) 5) Drink wine and spirits. Beer is liquid bread. 6) Exercise by walking. If youre into it, lift heavy things a couple times a week. Im going to give you my sources now so you can look into this as deeply as you want. I was a skeptic of all of this. Now Im healthy, and I can prove it. GOOGLE: Ancel Keys and find out why everyone thinks fat is bad for you. BOOKS: Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It, by Gary Taubes. Wheat Belly by William Davis. The Cholesterol Delusion by Ernest Curtis (a cardiologist!): these three books will give you a solid, scientific grounding on the subject. WEBSITES: paleohacks, diabetesforum/diabetes-diet-nutrition/, kriskris/is-saturated-fat-bad-for-you/ (has excellent source material),, WATCH: youtube/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM I know this was long. I did this by myself, for myself, and if there are other diabetics out there (us common Type IIs) here it is gratis so you can do it too. (Although you can buy me a steak.)
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 00:58:09 +0000

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