So this is the question that was asked on THE CONSERVATIVE POST- - TopicsExpress


So this is the question that was asked on THE CONSERVATIVE POST- What do you think? Is American sniper pushing Muslim hate in America or is just a result or recent attacks in Europe? This is my answer: Like most loyal born and bred Americans I do not believe it is because of this movie coming out that anti-muslim sediments are high. All you have to do is turn on a TV and watch a muslim hacking off someones head or shooting boys in the head and letting them fall into a river to feel the anger and disgust. Yes, Im sure we understand that not all muslims are like this, but in this case having Americans threatened everyday, either by our own government trying to take away our freedoms or by fanatical extremist, really doesnt make that much difference at this point. WE ARE TIRED OF IT. We want our borders CLOSED, we want illegal immigrants to have their butts shipped back where they came from, we want OUR government to remember they work for US, not the other way around, we want THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS to again be the most important document this country has, we want any LEGAL immigrant coming to live in our country to love it as much as we do, which means YOU, the immigrant learn OUR language, YOU, the immigrant honor our culture while honoring your own, YOU, the immigrant learns our history and crys for every service man or woman lost, YOU, the immigrant does not try to overthrow our laws in favor of the ones you were running from to come to this country and it means YOU, the immigrant are willing to DIE for this country, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to protect those freedoms.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 01:31:05 +0000

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