So this is the start of my creepypasta for Connor Schobernds post. - TopicsExpress


So this is the start of my creepypasta for Connor Schobernds post. You awake doubled over in a stinging pain in your sides and pounding headache. Your vision is blurry. All you can make out is the high flames and faint sounds of screaming and gunfire. You begin to feel your hand becoming in soaked. Blood. Stumbling to your feet to find out in horror a good chuck of your waist is missing. You can clearly see two or three of your ribs. It all comes rushing back to you. This is war. And you are a Legion; a forsaken soldier who only knows death. These are volunteered killers who served thier country in exchange of being excused of all crimes within the frontlines. You use your scarf to the best of your ability to slow down the bleeding and grab your rifles to march on forward. [The Frontlines] Everything comes in clearly know. The smell of rotting burning flesh, the unmerciful pleads of soldiers who lost their will to fight now spilling their guts on the streets. The last thing they see is their own heart stop still. You stop and watch this one as he falls face first into his intestines. He was stubborn choking on his blood and everything. Wait.. He’s…praying..? You could only hear the last few words. “Let me win this war.” You couldn’t help to laugh as he lied silent over himself. You considered him lucky. He was better off not knowing the faith of his child and his wife. This was war. Even God feign ignorance of our actions. “Just two weeks from now and he would’ve had a son.” You don’t know how couldve known that, just that it was true. You knew that she was hiding in some broken alleyway from you. So you went out to find her. There she was huddled up in the corner with a knife pointed at you in shaky hands. No, that wasn’t what you saw first. It was her eyes. She has crystal green eyes. It was everything about her that made her so familiar.. like you were close to home. “Diana..?” To Be Continued.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 07:44:10 +0000

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