So this is what I believe to be true that if you all were given a - TopicsExpress


So this is what I believe to be true that if you all were given a treasure map and on it it says that if you can figure it out from the directions on it you will find a million dollars and each person was given a map, you all would rush to try and figure where each direction took you to reach that million dollars and it is tax free. So God says here is His treasure map (The Holy Bible) and in it is the all the riches that you will need to live a very happy and prosperous life BUT YET YOU WILL NOT RUSH TO FIND IT and further more in it is far more riches than a million dollars and it is also tax free AND STILL YOU WILL NOT RUSH TO FIND IT and the best part is it isnt marked with rhymes and riddles but with truth and facts and it even comes with an insurance policy and a place where you can rest and get a drink of water (living water) to help you on the rest of your journey AND YET YOU WILL NOT RUSH TO FIND IT. God says He makes it so simple and easy for you to have and to receive and it hurts Him that you would rather settle for what man has to offer you with his silly little treasure map and only a million dollars then to receive the everlasting map (Gods Riches) and plan that He has promised and given to you, man gives you conditions and rules and a one time chance and God has given you His only begotten Son so that all of the rules and conditions where covered and paid in full and you search for the riches over and over again. When are you gonna stop settling for second best and get on the side of the one who will give you the best life you could ever have. NOW IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER WHETHER SOMEONE LIKES THIS OR NOT OR MAKES A COMMENT, BECAUSE I KNOW THAT THE TRUTH HAS BEEN TOLD AND MOST OF YOU ALL LIKE TO LIVE IN YOUR FANTASY WORLD, YOU KNOW WHERE THE MAN PROMISES ONE THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL HE HASNT COME THROUGH, WHEN GOD HAS PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN THAT HE IS REAL AND HIS WORD IS TOO. YEAH I KNOW THE TRUTH HURTS AND IT USE TO HURT ME TOO, BUT I THANK GOD FOR I HAVE FOUND MY POT OF GOLD AND IT IS IN THE BLOOD THAT JESUS SHED FOR ME AMEN.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 05:46:06 +0000

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